
cones [kəʊnz]  [koʊnz] 







cones 基本解释
球果;圆锥细胞;圆锥体( cone的名词复数 );圆锥形东西;锥形蛋卷筒;
cones 网络解释


1. 锥形体:通过本论文的研究工作,得出以下的结论: 1、经离子束处理后,铝合金试样的表面形态发生了明显变化,形成了类似于锥形体(cones)、凹陷(depressions)、脊背(ridges)、沟壕(trenches)、小丘(blisters)和环形坑(craters)等形状的表面形貌特征.

2. 锥体:明视点上则布著所谓锥体(Cones),功能明察秋毫. 外围柱体的功能主要在提供『自动目标追踪控制』的线索. 城市里居民自自然然地会领悟到,在过大街时若要不被车子撞倒,就最好别将眼睛死钉到一点上,

3. 锥状细胞:视网膜由许多感光细胞构成,依形状可分为杆状细胞(rods)与锥状细胞(cones):锥状细胞的主要功能在感受颜色,活跃於白昼等光度较高的情况;杆状细胞仅接收光量,无法辨明颜色及细部,其所感受的是黑白影像,运作於夜晚等光度较差的情况.

cones 单语例句

1. Slurp complimentary shots of eggnog, crunch on candy canes and cool off with snow cones while grooving to hot tunes.

2. Children dribble between cones representing risks like unsafe sex or multiple partners.

3. Toll collectors began putting road construction cones on their parked cars to prevent the turkey from jumping onto their vehicles.

4. The thieves would smash cars windows with special cones and then make off with laptops and wallets.

5. Pine cones are added to the fire to create a special aroma.

6. Police officers placed orange traffic cones to stop parking in front of the courthouse.

7. One after the other the kids navigate a row of bright colored cones to the delight of enthusiastic parents standing close by.