
confederacy [kənˈfedərəsi]  [kənˈfɛdərəsi] 


confederacy 基本解释


confederacy 网络解释

1. 联盟:在第一章中,玩家扮演人类联盟(Confederacy)的一名特使(Magistrate),由于科普鲁鲁(Koprulu)星区外围出现了婆佗斯(protoss)入侵和泽儿格(zerg)污染的迹象,你被派往玛?

2. 邦:在她在Arcturus Mengsk手下做副指挥的那段时间里,她遇见了Jim Raynor并对其有了好感. 在参与毁灭联邦(confederacy)的计划中,Mensk把她扔在了Tarsonis,联邦首府所在星球,那时这个星球已经完全被Zerg掌控了.

3. 同盟:cone 圆锥体 | confederacy 同盟 | confederate 同盟的

confederacy 词典解释

1. 同盟;联盟;联邦
    A confederacy is a union of states or people who are trying to achieve the same thing.

    e.g. They've entered this new confederacy because the central government's been unable to control the collapsing economy.

confederacy 单语例句

1. It was the first time in 80 years that federal troops had been sent to a former state of the Confederacy.

2. Neither shows the battle flag of the Confederacy, the rebel " X " which has come to symbolize racial bigotry.

confederacy 英英释义


1. a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act

    Synonym: conspiracy

2. a group of conspirators banded together to achieve some harmful or illegal purpose

    Synonym: conspiracy


3. a union of political organizations

    Synonym: confederation federation