
conferrer [kən'fɜ:rə]  [kən'fɜ:rə] 

conferrer 基本解释



conferrer 网络解释

1. 授予者:conferrence || (称号、学位、权力等的)授予,赐给 | conferrer || 授予者 | conferva || 丝状绿藻黄丝藻

2. 授予人,参加会议的人:deferrer 推迟者,延迟者 | conferrer 授予人,参加会议的人 | transferrer 让与人,转让人,转印人

3. 授与者 (名):conferree 参加会议者; 领受者; 评议员 (名) | conferrer 授与者 (名) | confessedly 公开承认地; 自称地; 自己供认地 (副)

conferrer 双语例句

1. The cultural circle centered on China was built in ancient East Asia. The diplomatic relationship among China and other states around it was of conferrer and tribute based on the Conferring and Tributary System.

2. With much foresight it was forbidden in the Lateran council for anyone to receive several ecclesiastical dignities and several parish churches, contrary to the regulations of the sacred canons, on pain of both the recipient losing what he had received and the conferrer being deprived of the power to confer.

conferrer 英英释义



1. someone who converses or confers (as in a conference)

2. person who makes a gift of property

    Synonym: donor giver presenter bestower