
confide [kənˈfaɪd]  [kənˈfaɪd] 





confide 基本解释


及物动词吐露(秘密、心事等); 委托,托付

不及物动词吐露秘密; 信任,信赖

confide 相关例句



1. The children were confide d to the care of the ship's captain.

2. He confided his troubles to a friend.

3. She confided her personal documents to her lawyer.

4. Did she confide her plans to you?


1. I confide in him and he has never deceived me.

confide 网络解释

1. 信赖,交托:confer 颁给,赐与 | confide 信赖,交托 | confident 确信的

2. 倾诉:confide to 信赖 | confide 倾诉 | confidence game 欺骗

3. 信赖:confession 自白书 | confide 信赖 | confidence 自信;秘密

4. 吐露:coincide 一致,相符(with) | confide 吐露 | chide 叱责,指责

confide 词典解释

1. 吐露(或倾诉)秘密
    If you confide in someone, you tell them a secret.

    e.g. I knew she had some fundamental problems in her marriage because she had confided in me a year earlier...
    e.g. He confided to me that he felt like he was being punished...

Ford's letters to her are fond and confiding.
confide 单语例句

1. And that added effort can make patients secure enough to confide their personal issues, though it may take a session or two to get comfortable.

2. confide什么意思

2. They confide in us when they want to advertise the programs that are successful.

3. " Secrets " you confide to colleagues always end up out in the open and those being gossiped about usually know who is spreading the muck.

4. confide什么意思

4. Many divorcees suffer depression from being unable to confide their feelings in others, an expert in charge of the club surnamed Zhang said.

5. confide是什么意思

5. So when she had relationship trouble with his husband or elderly people, she preferred to confide in her friends to avoid direct confrontation.

6. confide

6. They also were asked about whether they felt they could confide in that person, or whether talking with that person made them feel worse.

7. Some postings are from other single mothers who confide their feelings, and praise and support " Ground Melon Pig " for her courage.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. The library for President Carter also stated that he did not doodle, but did confide that he wrote notes in the margins.

9. One needs someone to confide in and share one's happiness and sorrow with even after getting married.

10. They also said not having anyone to confide in about life was a problem.

confide 英英释义



1. reveal in private
    tell confidentially

2. confide

2. confer a trust upon

    e.g. The messenger was entrusted with the general's secret
           I commit my soul to God

    Synonym: entrust intrust trust commit