
confirm [kənˈfɜ:m]  [kənˈfɜ:rm] 





confirm 基本解释

及物动词证实; [法]确认,批准; 使有效; 使巩固

confirm 相关例句


1. The latest developments confirmed me in my belief.

2. The hotel confirmed our reservations by telegram.

3. Please confirm your telephone message by writing to me.

4. The queen confirmed the treaty.

5. His letter confirmed everything.

confirm 情景对话


A:I‘m calling to confirm our luncheon appointment.

B:It‘s tomorrow at twelve o‘clock, right?

A:Yes, that‘s right.

B:I‘ll be there.


A:Hi. This is Alice from Dr. Peter's office.

B:Hi, Alice.

A:I'm just calling to confirm your appointment tomorrow at 4:00 p.m.

B:Thank you. I will be there on time.


A:Hello, my name is Jane and I am calling to confirm my reservation.

B:Yes, Miss Jane, we have you down for a deluxe room tonight.

A:Great and please make sure the room has a nice view of the park.

B:Yes, Miss. I will.

A:Thanks a lot!

B:Not at all.

confirm 网络解释


1. 证实:(4)证实(confirm):由服务提供者发往服务用户,作为对前面发生的请求的证实. 使用服务原语建立连接 (1)连接请求:呼叫方服务用户请求建立一个连接. (2)连接指示:连接请求通过服务提供者的虚通信传到被叫方后,

2. 确证:如目前有的公司正在将研发过程转变为认知(Learn)/确证(Confirm)模式,在认知阶段强调通过合理的临床研究方案设计充分全面的研究药物的潜在价值和风险,发现药物每一个可能的治疗领域,找到药物存在的任何安全性问题,

confirm 词典解释

1. 证实,证明(情况属实)
    If something confirms what you believe, suspect, or fear, it shows that it is definitely true.

    e.g. X-rays have confirmed that he has not broken any bones...
    e.g. These new statistics confirm our worst fears about the depth of the recession...

They took her resignation from Bendix as confirmation of their suspicions.

2. (某人)证实,肯定,确认
    If you confirm something that has been stated or suggested, you say that it is true because you know about it.

    e.g. The spokesman confirmed that the area was now in rebel hands...
    e.g. He confirmed what had long been feared...

She glanced over at James for confirmation.

3. (通常指通过信件或电话)确定,确认(安排或预约)
    If you confirm an arrangement or appointment, you say that it is definite, usually in a letter or on the telephone.

    e.g. You make the reservation, and I'll confirm it in writing.

Travel arrangements are subject to confirmation by State Tourist Organisations.

4. 为…施坚振礼(或坚信礼)(从而正式成为基督教会的成员)
    If someone is confirmed, they are formally accepted as a member of a Christian church during a ceremony in which they say they believe what the church teaches.

    e.g. He was confirmed as a member of the Church of England.

...when I was being prepared for Confirmation...
Flu prevented her from attending her daughter's confirmation.

5. 使坚定,使确信(自己的决定、信仰或观点)
    If something confirms you in your decision, belief, or opinion, it makes you think that you are definitely right.

    e.g. It has confirmed me in my decision not to become a nun.

6. 加强,巩固(地位、角色或权力)
    If someone confirms their position, role, or power, they do something to make their power, position, or role stronger or more definite.

    e.g. Williams has confirmed his position as the world's number one snooker player.

7. 巩固,确保(某人的名声、角色或地位)
      If something confirms you as something, it shows that you definitely deserve a name, role, or position.

      e.g. His new role could confirm him as one of our leading actors.

confirm 单语例句

1. But CNSA declined to confirm or reveal the project's progress yesterday.

2. If you're making plans on the phone, be sure to confirm the details toward the end of the call.

3. The umpire climbed down from his chair to confirm the call in consultation with a line judge.

4. A spokesman for Cambridgeshire police said he could neither confirm or deny the Mirror story.

5. Network officials have refused to confirm a cancellation, insisting they are yet to make a decision about the programme.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. The activity of professional hedge fund managers helps to confirm the changed investment environment and potential destinations for investment funds.

7. confirm

7. That would appear to confirm that current coach Juan Ramon Lopez Caro will not continue after June.

8. confirm什么意思

8. South Korea and Japan also denied any seismic activity had been detected to confirm a second test.

9. Hu said China has already formed a set of scientific management theories and practices that confirm with the actual conditions and China's manned spaceflight undertakings.


10. There was no way to independently confirm the casualty figures because access to the affected regions was restricted for journalists.

confirm 英英释义


1. confirm

1. make more firm

    e.g. Confirm thy soul in self-control!

2. confirm的近义词

2. establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts

    e.g. his story confirmed my doubts
           The evidence supports the defendant

    Synonym: corroborate sustain substantiate support affirm

3. strengthen or make more firm

    e.g. The witnesses confirmed the victim's account

    Synonym: reassert

4. administer the rite of confirmation to

    e.g. the children were confirmed in their mother's faith

5. support a person for a position

    e.g. The Senate confirmed the President's candidate for Secretary of Defense