
confirmatory [kən'fɜ:məˌtərɪ]  [kən'fɜ:məˌtoʊrɪ] 

confirmatory 基本解释


confirmatory 网络解释


1. 确定的:* contribution 基值 | confirmatory 确定的 | consistent, consistency 一致(的)、一致性

2. 确定的/确实的:confirmative /确定的/确实的/ | confirmatory /确定的/确实的/ | confirmed /被证实的/

3. 确定的, 证实的:confirmatory response || 确认答应 | confirmatory || 确定的, 证实的 | confirmed credit || 保兑信用证

confirmatory 单语例句

1. And the clinic is awaiting results of a third and final confirmatory test, he said.

2. If someone tests positive, they must go to the hospital for a confirmatory blood test which is more definitive.

confirmatory 英英释义


1. serving to support or corroborate

    e.g. collateral evidence

    Synonym: collateral confirmative confirming corroborative corroboratory substantiating substantiative validating validatory verificatory verifying