
conjuration [ˌkɒndʒʊə'reɪʃən]  [ˌkɒndʒʊ'reɪʃən] 

conjuration 基本解释


conjuration 网络解释


1. 咒法系:强力召唤(Augment summoning)可以是召唤生物在强壮和体质上获得+4增强加值,该专长前提是法术专攻(咒法系(Conjuration)). kk. 现在的旋风攻击(Whirlwind Attack)规定在使用专长时无法从其他专长或者能力上获得任何奖励或额外攻击机会(例如顺劈砍(Cleave)或加速术(haste)).

2. 咒法:Charm => 魅惑 | Conjuration => 咒法 | Fear => 恐懼

3. 祈祷:conjuncture 场合 | conjuration 祈祷 | conjurator 灵媒

4. 许愿:conjunctivitis 结膜炎 | conjuration 许愿 | conjurationincantation 咒语

conjuration 双语例句

1. Moderate conjuration; CL9 th; Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest; Price2, 000 gp; Weight5 lb.


2. One of the more important of the Mage`s utility spells is Food and Water conjuration.

3. When you move a conjuration, you can't move it through a solid obstacle.


4. The princess conjuration around come to light under true love and courage......

5. I'm a wizard specialist in Conjuration.

6. He taught me a conjuration which I made to the moonbeams enabling me to embrace them suddenly.

7. The midsummer-might conjuration around tenyuanye come to light under true love and courage...


8. But, if thou wear this form through mere passing conjuration, then resume thy former aspect!


9. You determine line of sight normally, but you determine line of effect from the conjuration.


10. Attacking with a Conjuration:'''If you can attack with a conjuration, you make the attack.

11. Unless an attack specifically targets conjurations, only the attack's damage affects the conjuration.

12. Yet, by your gracious patience, I will a round unvarnish'd tale deliver Of my whole course of love; what drugs, what charms, What conjuration and what mighty magic, For such proceeding I am charged withal, I won his daughter.

13. The expressions of plane and space conjuration gear forms and meshing line of a single thread twin screw pump are derived on the basis of spatial meshing theory, and the equations for original gear forms and space spiral plane are given.

14. Multi-purpose: go for utility Exs: Prestidigitation, Grease, Alter Self, Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation

15. Strong conjuration, enchantment and transmutation; CL 16th; Craft Construct, creator must be caster level 16th, cloudkill, geas/quest, limited wish, polymorph any object; Price 35, 000 gp; Cost 3, 500 gp + 5, 880 XP; Weight 5 lb.

16. Confident in his castings now, and did not need his ceremonial conjuration robes for luck.

17. Week of Conjuration: Skill level of all Summoning Magic spells increased to maximum during battles.

18. Brooding over all these matters, the mother felt like one who has evoked a spirit, but, by some irregularity in the process of conjuration, has failed to win the master-word that should control this new and incomprehensible intelligence.

19. The ritual for conjuration and teleportation was taxing and such a long teleportation would drain strength and endurance from the travelers.


20. The strength of this conjuration is such that the Balor is bound to your will, and no protection from evil or similar protective spell needs to be cast.

conjuration 英英释义



1. an illusory feat
    considered magical by naive observers

    Synonym: magic trick conjuring trick trick magic legerdemain thaumaturgy illusion deception


2. calling up a spirit or devil

    Synonym: conjuring conjury invocation

3. a ritual recitation of words or sounds believed to have a magical effect

    Synonym: incantation