
consolation [ˌkɒnsəˈleɪʃn]  [ˌkɑ:nsəˈleɪʃn] 


consolation 基本解释

名词安慰,慰问; 起安慰作用的人(或事物)

consolation 相关例句


1. The government got many telegrams and letters of consolation when the President died.

2. It's a consolation to know that they are safe.

consolation 网络解释


1. 安慰:爱尔兰女作家安妮恩莱特(Anne Enright)的入围小说<<集会>>(The Gathering),以及迈克尔雷德希尔(Michael Redhill)的<<安慰>>(Consolation),则都是关於历史与记忆和今天交织的故事.

2. 慰:★大家(Allpeople)都知道,肥胖不利於健康(Health但可让胖子稍感抚慰(Consolation)的是,心臟衰竭胖子的死亡(Death)风险竟低於一般心臟衰竭病人!美国耶鲁大学的专家说,已有探讨发现,肥胖对心臟衰竭似有守护(Protection)的作用.

3. 江祭:3.Scene Of Red Cliff 赤壁 | 4.Consolation 江祭 | 5.Suwu: The Shepherd 苏武牧羊

4. 慰藉:consistent 一致的 | consolation 慰藉 | console 安慰

consolation 单语例句

1. Adam Szalai added the fourth and Cologne's only consolation was that its nearest rival also lost.

2. While today may appear bleak, there was some consolation for Zhang yesterday.

3. Owen flicked home the second at the far post to seal a deserved win, though Estonia nearly snatched a consolation goal in stoppage time.

4. consolation

4. It means it looks set to finish seventh for the second season in a row, only this time without even the consolation of European soccer to come.

5. Silent murmurs of prayers and quiet words of consolation have the predominant forms of expression and communication at the small Southeastern Asian communities in China.

6. consolation是什么意思

6. We believe they would have had better consolation if they could see that their heroic stories are having a spontaneous resonance in the general public.

7. consolation

7. Matt Etherington then bundled in Di Michele's mishit shot eight minutes after the break before Michael Owen netted a consolation effort for the Magpies.

8. The leaders also asked the SAR government to convey the central government's condolences to relatives of the victims and consolation to the injured tourists.

9. Being part of a match described by pundits as the greatest ever seen provided little consolation to the stylish Swiss.

10. consolation在线翻译

10. Australia and New Zealand were awarded the 2015 World Cup as consolation but Vaughan said he still wanted the 2011 event to proceed in Asia.

consolation 英英释义



1. the act of consoling
    giving relief in affliction

    e.g. his presence was a consolation to her

    Synonym: comfort solace

2. the comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment

    e.g. second place was no consolation to him

    Synonym: solace solacement