
consolidated [kən'sɒlɪdeɪtɪd]  [kən'sɒləˌdeɪtɪd] 





consolidated 基本解释
加固的,整理过的,统一的;团结的,统一的;巩固, 加强( consolidate的过去式和过去分词 );合并;
consolidated 网络解释


1. 固结:砾石层则由人头大的砾石及砂粒所组成,由於尚未固结(consolidated),因此显得甚为松散. 当骤雨来临时,红土层如无森林的保护及吸收,则大部分的雨水将成为表面迳流(runoff),顺著山坡向下游流走. 而砾石层如无森林的保护而裸露在外时,

2. 巩固:通过教师--学生和学生--学生之间的简短讨论(如听力材料是否提供新信息、信息重要与否、对用外语进行交际是否有帮助等)能有效地使学习者对解码机制中新增加的内容及时地得以巩固(consolidated)和内化(internalized).

3. 合并的:这种随机性是毫无意义的,也就是说,合并的(consolidated)季报、半年报乃至年报都是缺乏参考价值的. 有意义的分析应该从经济价值(economy value)的角度出发,考虑这些float可能的收益率,我保守估计部分长期投资大约是15%-17%.

consolidated 单语例句

1. Consolidated Thompson was advised by BMO Capital Markets and the mining company's transaction committee was advised by GMP Securities LP.

2. Australia's Customs Act 1901 of the Commonwealth Consolidated Acts makes it illegal to bring child pornography into the country.

3. The company has consolidated sales for its water and wastewater treatment, industrial process and residential and commercial water businesses.

4. consolidated

4. The end of the Cold War further consolidated political conservatism in Japan.

5. Wen's work report displayed the authorities'consolidated willpower and courage to progress along this road.

6. consolidated在线翻译

6. He said 58 revisions to the political report were made under Hu's eye, and Hu's leadership has been consolidated and reinforced.

7. He also said that prevention and control efforts be consolidated and that the names of those responsible for each region and risky sites be published.

8. And the confidence comes from the trust of the people, which consolidated further after coping with natural disasters and the global economic crisis.

9. In an emergency, consolidated data retrieval is considerably faster with one travel management company.

10. He said the consolidated data came from validation of information gathered by PDEA and partner drug law enforcement agencies.

consolidated 英英释义


1. forming a solid mass

2. joined together into a whole

    e.g. United Industries
           the amalgamated colleges constituted a university
           a consolidated school

    Synonym: amalgamate amalgamated coalesced fused