
consort [ˈkɒnsɔ:t]  [ˈkɑ:nsɔ:rt] 









consort 基本解释

名词配偶; 伙伴; 僚舰; 合作

不及物动词结交; 陪伴; 符合

及物动词使陪伴; 使联系

consort 相关例句


1. His practice does not consort with his preaching.

2. Father is annoyed that his daughter consorts with all kinds of strange people.

3. You should consort with your classmates.

4. Your actions do not consort with your principles.


1. He ruled in consort with his father.

consort 网络解释


1. 结交:consign#移交 | consort#结交 | conspire#阴谋;密谋

2. 明妃:Circumanbulator 转经道的人 | Consort 明妃 | Dakini 空行母

3. consort:consolidated standards of reporting trials; 随机试验报告统一标准

4. consort:control network system of receivers and transmitters; 收发机的控制台网络系统

consort 词典解释
The verb is pronounced /kən'sɔːt/. The noun is pronounced /'kɒnsɔːt/. 动词读作 /kən'sɔːt/,名词读作 /'kɒnsɔːt/。

1. 来往;厮混;鬼混
    If you say that someone consorts with a particular person or group, you mean that they spend a lot of time with them, and usually that you do not think this is a good thing.

    e.g. He regularly consorted with known drug-dealers.

2. 在位君主的配偶
    The ruling monarch's wife or husband is called their consort .

    e.g. At teatime, Victoria sang duets with her Consort, Prince Albert...
    e.g. She was surely the most distinguished queen consort we have had.

3. consort

3. 一群(乐师);一组(乐器)
    A consort of musicians or instruments is a group of them

    e.g. The Sinfonietta shares the stage with a consort of viols.

consort 单语例句

1. consort的意思

1. One of them was laid out by France's queen consort Catherine de Medici while the other was arranged by her rival Diane de Poitiers.

2. Number one consort Gong Shun Hui is beautiful, intelligent and unconventionally ambitious.

3. But rebellious troops escorting the emperor force him to abdicate and put consort Yang to death.

4. The Prince's advisers have said that she will be known as the Princess Consort.

consort 英英释义



1. a family of similar musical instrument playing together

    Synonym: choir

2. the husband or wife of a reigning monarch


1. consort的意思

1. keep company

    e.g. the heifers run with the bulls to produce offspring

    Synonym: run

2. keep company with
    hang out with

    e.g. He associates with strange people
           She affiliates with her colleagues

    Synonym: associate affiliate assort

3. go together

    e.g. The colors don't harmonize
           Their ideas concorded

    Synonym: harmonize harmonise accord concord fit in agree