
constellations [kɒnstə'leɪʃnz]  [kɒnstə'leɪʃnz] 


constellations 基本解释
星座( constellation的名词复数 );一群杰出人物;一系列;一群;
constellations 网络解释

1. 星座:这是由于占星学上定义的星座(Signs)和天文学上定义的星座(Constellations)不同,所产生的混淆和误解.天文学上将全天空分为八十八个大小不同的星座(Constellations),若是把太阳的轨道-黄道(ecliptic)-经过的所有星座(Constellations)都算进去,那么是另

2. 星雨星愿:星雨星愿(Constellations)版版主xuejian由于烟花三月下扬州请假9天: 星雨星愿(Constellations)版版主xuejian由于烟花三月下扬州请假9天: 星雨星愿(Constellations)版版主xuejian由于烟花三月下扬州请假9天

3. 星星的故事:12. Belle漂亮女孩 | 13. Do You Remember你還記得嗎 | 14. Constellations星星的故事

4. 现在最喜欢的游戏:最近读的书Rage by Kellerman | 现在最喜欢的游戏Constellations | 最喜欢的运动团队not a team, Kelly Slater, pro surfer - awesome!!

constellations 单语例句

1. Taking a sunset stroll here means navigating constellations of fallen coconuts and huddles of traditional wooden fishing boats - often occupied by snoozing trawlers.

2. Its reddish hue sets it apart from the bright stars of the winter constellations in that part of the sky.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. The mostly Chinese crowd seethes to trance beats beneath constellations of disco balls and elaborate mechanized colored lights.

4. It comes from the idea that constellations are made up of stars that seem close, but are in fact extremely far away from each other.