
contamination [kənˌtæmɪ'neɪʃən]  [kənˌtæməˈneʃən] 

contamination 基本解释


名词污染; 弄脏; 毒害; 玷污

contamination 网络解释

1. 脏污:晶圆之湿式洗净技术能力必须能在减轻对晶圆损伤的情形下,去除微粒(particle)与金属杂质以及其他种类的脏污(contamination). 如果能减少晶圆在空气-液体介面之间传送的次数,...

2. 玷污:为使结果避免任何可能的玷污(contamination),检验用双盲法(double-blind peocedure)进行. 蝴蝶未被告知他们正在参与一项科学实验.
起初听到Club 8这个名字,还以为是一家名叫8号的俱乐部,或者乐队经常在那演出所以叫这个名字,

3. 污染物:聚丙烯膜(PP膜)折叠微孔滤芯是以折叠方式采用无粘接剂(Felt Reagent)的热熔焊(Fusion)技术,熔封构成完整整体,不带进任何污染物(contamination). 聚醚砜膜(PES膜)折叠微孔滤芯是以折叠方式采用无粘接剂的热熔焊(Fusion)技术,熔封构成完整整体,

contamination 单语例句

1. The study also found that bad sanitation at the camp would've made contamination of the water system possible.

2. Zhang urged them to further improve their protection of the water this year and prevent any contamination from being caused along the canal.

3. The contamination by the toxin is extremely rare for a commercially canned product.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. A large number of people fall sick because of intentional contamination of food by producers or because of careless and unsupervised practices.

5. Malachite green contamination was detected in a number of freshwater fish last year, including carp and mandarin fish.

6. contamination的反义词

6. The city will also suspend some operations of 40 factories, including two cement factories and 6 factories which cause effluvial contamination.

7. Sanlu was at the center of the infant formula contamination scandal in September, which led to the arrest of its chairperson and suspension of operations.

8. Authorities are suspending sales of 13 types of capsules with reported chromium contamination and are checking the factories accused of producing them.

9. contamination在线翻译

9. Chemical contamination is also a major risk to food safety, he said.

10. Xinhua said water supply would be cut off for four days in Harbin due to possible river contamination caused by a recent chemical plant explosion.

contamination 英英释义



1. the act of contaminating or polluting
    including (either intentionally or accidentally) unwanted substances or factors

    Synonym: pollution

2. the state of being contaminated

    Synonym: taint

3. contamination

3. a substance that contaminates

    Synonym: contaminant