
content ['kɒntent]  [ˈkɑ:ntent] 








content 基本解释


名词内容; 满足; (书等的)目录; 容量

形容词满足的,满意的; 愿意的; 心甘情愿的


content 相关词组


1. to one's heart's content : 尽情地;

2. be content with : 以...为满足;

content 相关例句


1. He was content with his work.

2. She is content with very little.


1. Simple praise is enough to content him.


1. The contents of the letter are secret.

2. It is advisable to look at the contents page of a book, before buying it.

content 网络解释

1. 含量:...基耶达(kjeldahl)氮kjeldahl nitrogen 样品在特定条件下用基耶达测定法测得的氨氮量和有机氮含量.(一)含量(content)...微量凯氏(kjeldahl)定氮法测定...大豆30-40%为最高 畜禽鱼蛋类10-20% 粮谷类8-10% 鲜奶类1.5-3.8%

2. 满足:评价分为非常高兴(Very Happy)、高兴(Pleased)、满足(Content)、生气(Angry)、非常生气(Very Angry)几个级别. 要保证市民们稳定的生活,其评价至少要达到满足级别. 如果评价是非常生气的话,再不改变现状,市民们就会离开城市,

3. content:(content type header field 邮件内容报头域规范〖因特网〗,内容类型页眉域

content 词典解释



1. 所容纳的东西;所含之物
    The contents of a container such as a bottle, box, or room are the things that are inside it.

    e.g. Empty the contents of the pan into the sieve...
    e.g. I emptied the contents of the fridge into carrier bags...

2. (书、演讲、电视节目等的)内容
    If you refer to the content or contents of something such as a book, speech, or television programme, you are referring to the subject that it deals with, the story that it tells, or the ideas that it expresses.

    e.g. She is reluctant to discuss the content of the play...
    e.g. Stricter controls were placed on the content of video films...

3. (书的)目录
    The contents of a book are its different chapters and sections, usually shown in a list at the beginning of the book.

    e.g. There is no initial list of contents.

4. (教育项目或课程的)内容
    The content of something such as an educational course or a programme of action is the elements that it consists of.

    e.g. Previous students have had nothing but praise for the course content and staff...
    e.g. This is how we see our tasks, and the substance and content of our work for the forthcoming period.

5. 含量;成分
    You can use content to refer to the amount or proportion of something that a substance contains.

    e.g. Sunflower margarine has the same fat content as butter...
    e.g. He was astonished at the high gold content in the 340 million-year-old rock.


1. content

1. 满足的;知足的
    If you are content with something, you are willing to accept it, rather than wanting something more or something better.

    e.g. I am content to admire the mountains from below...
    e.g. I'm perfectly content with the way the campaign has gone...

2. 满意的;惬意的
    If you are content, you are fairly happy or satisfied.

    e.g. He says his daughter is quite content.

3. content

3. 使(自己)满足(于…)
    If you content yourself with something, you accept it and do not try to do or have other things.

    e.g. He wisely contented himself with his family and his love of nature...
    e.g. Most manufacturers content themselves with updating existing models.

4. to your heart's content -> see heart

content 单语例句

1. content的近义词

1. She added that in addition to innovative content, online game providers also have to think about new business models.

2. content的解释

2. Degree content is designed with input from employers to ensure that graduates are highly employable and many organisations actively seek out Aston Business School graduates.

3. Ding said that he will watch over the development of NetEase's Internet content business this year and increase investment in the area.

4. The authorities in neighboring Zhejiang province busted a ring specializing in spreading porn content via more than 100 WAP sites and arrested 38 suspects.

5. Many families once content to buy now and pay later are eager to trim their reliance on credit cards.

6. content什么意思

6. The violence content in publications has increasingly polluted the hearts of teenagers, making some of them admire those who act violently and slip into crimes.

7. By comparison, acquiring other content producers and owners could be more efficient.

8. content

8. Dangerous chemical content and injuries caused by small parts were the major problems.

9. content的解释

9. Remi later said he was embarrassed by the book, and some editions have had the more objectionable content removed.

10. content在线翻译

10. Research had proved that their vitamin C content is about four times that of kiwifruit by weight.

content 英英释义


1. something (a person or object or scene) selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation

    e.g. a moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same subject

    Synonym: subject depicted object

2. the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned

    Synonym: cognitive content mental object

3. what a communication that is about something is about

    Synonym: message subject matter substance

4. everything that is included in a collection and that is held or included in something

    e.g. he emptied the contents of his pockets
           the two groups were similar in content

5. the amount that can be contained

    e.g. the gas tank has a capacity of 12 gallons

    Synonym: capacity

6. the proportion of a substance that is contained in a mixture or alloy etc.

7. the state of being contented with your situation in life

    e.g. he relaxed in sleepy contentedness
           they could read to their heart's content

    Synonym: contentedness


1. satisfy in a limited way

    e.g. He contented himself with one glass of beer per day

2. make content

    e.g. I am contented



1. satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are

    e.g. a contented smile

    Synonym: contented