1. 柔术:合成生物学(Synthetic biology)长期以来被用於描述如下的生物学方法,即尝试整合不同领域的柔术(Contortion)是杂技的一种特殊表现形式,即将人的身体弯曲到常人难以达到的位置.
2. 扭曲:contortion folding 扭曲褶皱作用 | contortion 扭曲 | contour bowl centrifuge 异形沉淀式离心机
3. 扭弯:contorted 扭曲的 | contortion 扭弯 | contortive 扭歪的
4. 曲解:continuum theory of decision program 决策程序的连续带理论 | contortion 曲解 | contour 轮廓
1. danci.911cha.com
1. (躯体、面部等的)扭弯,扭曲,变形
Contortions are movements of your body or face into unusual shapes or positions.
e.g. I had to admire the contortions of the gymnasts.
1. the act of twisting or deforming the shape of something (e.g., yourself)
Synonym: deformation
2. a tortuous and twisted shape or position
e.g. they built a tree house in the tortuosities of its boughs
the acrobat performed incredible contortions
Synonym: tortuosity tortuousness torsion crookedness