
controllable [kənˈtrəʊləbl]  [kənˈtroʊləbl] 

controllable 基本解释


controllable 反义词


controllable 网络解释

1. 可控的:而宴会接待中,不要试图劝说对方多吃,更不能给对方夹菜,而是以宾客自主为益(Help yourself ...).西方社会主要受亚里士多德(Aristotle)哲学影响,相信世界是直线的(a line)和可控的(controllable).

2. 可控制的:从形式的角度定义,所谓的工作流程是指各种对象(文件、图像、音频/视频信号,或者只是数据信息)按照既定的流程规则在系统环境中进行有方向性的(Oriented)、可控制的(Controllable)流动.

3. 可控制:每个仿真对象都实现了可控制(Controllable)接口,用来解包服务端发来的消息并且更新它们的内部状态. 通讯控制器对仿真对象的创建、修改以及删除活动进行处理. 它不需要对创建新客户的情况进行处理,因为这些事件是被当作独立的仿真对象创建和修改的,

4. 可控:他们把这些因素分为两大类:可控(controllable)与不可控. 结果他们找出导致抛锚点的不可控因素占总比例的 13%,那即是说企业可控制的因素占了 87%,可见企业往往是因为错估自身形势的不良决策或管理执行力度不足而堕进低增长区.

controllable 词典解释

1. 可控制的;可操纵的
    If something is controllable you are able to control or influence it.

    e.g. This makes the surfboards more controllable.
    e.g. ...controllable aspects of life.

controllable 单语例句

1. She said China would carry out the exchange rate reform in an independent, controllable and gradual way to maintain the yuan's strength.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. The committee organized inspections of all civil and military nuclear facilities, concluding that " overall nuclear safety in China is controllable ".


3. Consumer prices are in a " controllable range ", the National Development and Reform Commission said.

4. controllable的近义词

4. Wang described this year's sum as never seen before in history, but stressed the risks were totally controllable considering China's economic foundation and a strengthened finance.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. The paper quoted insiders as saying that the risk of mortgage business can be controllable, but the discounts made the lending business less profitable.


6. If it is more or less controllable in the relatively better prepared urban areas, the challenge will prove daunting in rural regions.

7. The central government has been on alert over the growth of local government debt, but has also assured investors that risks are controllable.

8. Their inevitable problems and differences will be controllable if the two sides stick to the principle of moderation in their dealings.

9. They can be stored and made available on demand more easily, and thus qualify as controllable basic supply services.

10. The country will promote the reform of resource products pricing and environment protection charging mechanism in a " controllable and sequential way ".

controllable 英英释义



1. capable of being controlled

    Synonym: governable