
convenience [kənˈvi:niəns]  [kənˈvinjəns] 



convenience 基本解释

名词方便,便利; 便利设施; 个人的舒适或利益; (公共)厕所

convenience 相关例句



1. He thinks only of his own convenience.

2. The hotel has a restaurant for the guests' convenience.

3. We bought this house for its convenience.

4. The kitchen has all the modern conveniences.

5. The house is full of conveniences of every sort.

convenience 网络解释


1. 便利性:3.当我们开始为自己所计划的工作对各部门及单位主管实施报告时, 能不能让每一位扮演通路的主管,深深觉得这项工作是十分具有便 利性(Convenience)及有效的,当然如果答案是否定的,相信将会造 成这项「货品」严重的滞销.

2. 方便的:铠甲 最大伤害增加6,等级24以上will-10,等级18以下平衡减少6% 牺牲的(scrificial) 手套,鞋子 等级25以上最大生命值减少6,等级15以下str+2,强击等级C以下最大伤害增加6 方便的(convenience) 头部 料理等级D以上DEX+2,

convenience 词典解释

1. convenience的解释

1. 方便;便利;合宜
    If something is done for your convenience, it is done in a way that is useful or suitable for you.

    e.g. He was happy to make a detour for her convenience.
    e.g. ...the need to put the rights of citizens above the convenience of elected officials.

2. 带来方便的事物
    If you describe something as a convenience, you mean that it is very useful.

    e.g. Mail order is a convenience for buyers who are too busy to shop.

3. 便利设施;便利装置
    Conveniences are pieces of equipment designed to make your life easier.

    e.g. Some TVRs have power steering and conveniences such as central locking and powered windows.
    e.g. apartment with all the modern conveniences.

4. 公共厕所
    A public convenience is a building containing toilets which is provided in a public place for anyone to use.

    e.g. ...the cubicles of a public convenience.

5. see also: convenient

convenience 单语例句

1. convenience的意思

1. It's all because consumers appreciate the convenience and cost efficiency of buying online.

2. The convenience store's ticketing system hopes to cash in on the ticket buying habits of high speed rail passengers.

3. They are expected to expand the coverage of the border inspection convenience cards within the year to business persons of the two countries.

4. But electronic payment is the future due to its many advantages over cash, such as convenience and safety.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. By seeking to use rewards to lure common citizens to catch crime suspects, the police only consider its own convenience and shirk its due responsibilities.

6. convenience的翻译

6. Since the county governments have rather limited manpower, they had to centralize the schools for the convenience of management.

7. China will develop supermarkets and convenience stores in counties and major rural towns, transforming rural fairs and rural grocery stores into chain stores within five years.

8. Schwartz attributes the growth to a series of initiatives centered on the core value of the " convenience " the chain offers.

9. In fact micro blogs already provide such convenience as they offer a direct channel of communication between residents and officials.

10. convenience的近义词

10. A man in America tried to rob a convenience store dressed as the cartoon character Gumby.

convenience 英英释义


1. a device or control that is very useful for a particular job

    Synonym: appliance contraption contrivance gadget gizmo gismo widget

2. a toilet that is available to the public

    Synonym: public toilet comfort station public convenience public lavatory restroom toilet facility wash room

3. the quality of being useful and convenient

    e.g. they offered the convenience of an installment plan

4. the state of being suitable or opportune

    e.g. chairs arranged for his own convenience