
converted [kən'vɜ:tɪd]  [kən'vɜ:tɪd] 





converted 基本解释
更换信仰的,修改的;转变( convert的过去式和过去分词 );转化;皈依;改变;
converted 网络解释

1. 转换:一些术语是值得去理解的 - 参数会被 转换(converted),但是远程的beans会被创建( d). 因此如果bean A有一个方法 A.blah(B),那么需要一个A的创建器(creator) 和 B 的转换器(converter).

2. 转换的:convert 转换 | converted 转换的 | converter 转换器

3. 更换信仰的:convert 转换 | converted 更换信仰的 | convertibility 可改变性

4. 改装的:converted wave 转换波 | converted 改装的 | converter circuit 变频器电路

converted 单语例句

1. They are a converted epoxy resin plant, styrene butadiene latex facilities and a polystyrene resin plant.

2. Also on Friday, jurors inspected the blue Chevrolet Caprice prosecutors maintain the suspects converted into a sniper's nest.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. The total score is converted into penalty points, which are carried forward to the next stage of the competition.

4. His behaviour has influenced relatives and colleagues, many of whom have been converted to Catholicism.

5. A thumping winner off a tame Simon serve brought up championship point which he converted after Simon dumped a volley into the net.

6. converted

6. It only delayed the inevitable for eight points and Federer converted the first of three championship points when Blake netted a service return.

7. converted

7. Ye converted to Christianity and became a member of the Fuzhou Young Men's Christian Association.

8. converted的意思

8. The grandson of the philosopher Moses Mendelssohn, he was born into a notable Jewish family which later converted to Christianity.

9. The PMM was converted from the multipurpose logistics module Leonardo and will provide additional storage for the station crew.

10. China comfortably overtook Britain last year based on each country's gross domestic product converted into US dollars at current exchange rates.

converted 英英释义



1. spiritually reborn or converted

    e.g. a born-again Christian

    Synonym: born-again reborn