
convertibility [kənˌvɜ:tə'bɪlɪtɪ]  [kənˌvɜ:tə'bɪlətɪ] 

convertibility 基本解释


名词兑换; 可改变性,可变化性

convertibility 网络解释


1. 可兑换性:货币的可兑换性(convertibility)会影响资本的跨境流动,但资本跨境流动不一定受货币的可兑换性约束,尤其是无兑换的本币资本跨境流动. 因此,实行货币兑换管制的国家一般实行严格的资本管制,但也有许多国家在无兑换管制的情况下实行着或多或少的资本管制,

2. 可转换性:(10)可转换性(Convertibility) 在Unicode标准和其他字符集标准之间可以实现准确的转换. 一般说,在其他标准中的一个码点对应于Unicode标准中一个单一的码点. 然而,有时在其他标准中的一个码点对应于Unicode标准中一个码点的序列.

3. 自由兑换:实现人民币的自由兑换(Convertibility),既是中国进入WTO后的大势所趋,也是中国分享经济全球化的利益,以成为世界经济强国的必要条件. 实现本国货币的自由兑换也是世界许多国家都十分重视的重大课题. 目前,国内外许多学者已对这一问题进行了大量研究,

convertibility 单语例句

1. The report detailed other objectives for 2006, including gradually pushing for convertibility of the yuan on the capital account.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. China has been progressively and cautiously advancing the yuan's convertibility on the capital account.

3. This would allow banks to play a bigger role in product development and pricing, and promote capital account convertibility of renminbi in an orderly manner.

4. The authorities will also expand channels for outbound capital investment and gradually realize the full convertibility of the yuan under the capital account.

5. RMB convertibility under capital accounts is a complicated issue, said SAFE Director Hu Xiaolian in March.

6. The regulator said greater convertibility of renminbi should be pursued simultaneously, which would include reforming the mandatory forex settlement system to facilitate trade.

7. The renminbi is already being widely used in neighbouring regions despite its partial convertibility, even serving as a settlement currency in regional trade.

8. convertibility的解释

8. It is the earliest estimate for the full convertibility of the yuan, as most other experts have said such a move was about a decade away.

9. Chinese analysts expect that Lagarde is unlikely to press China too hard on currency issues such as revaluation and the free convertibility of the yuan.

10. Along with the rapid development of the domestic stock market, there has emerged heated debate over convertibility issues between the two markets.

convertibility 英英释义



1. the quality of being exchangeable (especially the ability to convert a currency into gold or other currencies without restriction)