convertible currency

convertible currency [kənˈvɜ:təbəl ˈkʌrənsi]  [kənˈvə:təbəl ˈkɚrənsi] 

convertible currency 基本解释


convertible currency 网络解释


1. 可兑换货币:而不是以本币表示; --外汇必须是能够在国外获得补偿的债权,外国人拒付的票据是不能 够称为外汇的; --外汇必须是能够兑换为其他支付手段的外币资产,即用可兑换货币 (Convertible Currency)表示的支付手段,以不可兑换的货币表示的支付 手段,

2. 自由外汇:convertible bond 可转换债券 | convertible currency 自由外汇 | convertible securities 可兑换证

3. 可交換的通貨:Convertible bonds 可转换公司 | Convertible currency 可交换的通货 | Convertible currency; Redeemable currency 可兑性通货

4. 可兑换的货币:conversion 汇兑、兑换 | convertible currency 可兑换的货币 | devaluation of dollar 美元贬值

convertible currency 单语例句


1. The Chinese currency is not freely convertible under the capital account, including foreign direct investment and securities transactions.

2. The Chinese currency is now partly convertible under the capital account, but no foreign institution has been allowed to issue bonds in China.

3. Government stores offered all products in convertible pesos - hard currency worth 24 times the regular pesos state employees get paid.

4. China needs to loosen controls on outbound investment and gradually make the yuan fully convertible, the chief currency regulator said in remarks published yesterday.

5. The current global economic landscape and China's immature financial system will continue to prevent the yuan from becoming a fully convertible currency any time soon.

6. China will also make the yuan convertible on the capital account in the next five years and maintain its efforts to internationalize its currency'further.

7. The currency is already convertible on the current account for trade in goods.

8. convertible currency的意思

8. Investors need a quota for financial investments in China because the country's currency is not fully convertible under the capital account.


9. The Chinese currency is freely convertible on the current account for trade in goods and services.

10. The reform of China's financial sector depends on a further opening of the capital account and a completely convertible currency.