
convoke [kənˈvəʊk]  [kənˈvoʊk] 







convoke 基本解释



convoke 网络解释

1. 召集:欲知关于召集(Convoke),发掘(Dredge),以及易质(Transmute)的详情,请参见_拉尼卡_常见问题集. * 抵受(Absorb)是新的关键字异能. 它属于防止伤害异能. 抵受的规则解析如下:* 灵气转换(Aura swap)是新的关键字异能.

2. 召集会议:conversant 熟悉的 | convoke 召集会议 | evoke 唤起

3. (把大家喊到一起)召集:pro voke(在前面喊)激怒 | convoke(把大家喊到一起)召集 | revoke(喊回来) 撤销

4. 召集会议anY中国英语学习网:anY中国英语学习网 | convoke 召集会议anY中国英语学习网 | evoke 唤起anY中国英语学习网

convoke 双语例句

1. Then King Hezekiah hastened to convoke the princes of the city and went up to the LORD'S house.

2. He alone has the divinely given power to convoke councils and to authorize their decisions (something reaffirmed at Vatican Council II).

3. If it is out of session and it would be a delay to wait for the opening of an ordinary session, the Council of Ministers must proceed to convoke an extraordinary session of the National Assembly in order to consider whether to approve or disapprove the Emergency Decree without delay.


4. The invention solves disadvantages that workload of gatekeeper is too heavy in mode of requesting to convoke meeting initiated by terminals.

5. But now we regret to inform you that, due to the reason of force majeure the continuous spreading and diffusing of H1N1 flu, the competent department of Chinese Government determines upon careful and prudent study that, it's improper to convoke the congress as scheduled.

6. When it is necessary for the interests of State, the King may convoke an extraordinary session of the National Assembly.

7. In 1978 the Argentinian trainer Menotti didn't convoke Maradona, as he considered him too young.

8. 6 Complete quality weekly report, convoke a meeting for review quality problem and action plan.


9. Convoke is a static ability that lets you tap your creatures to help pay for other spells.

10. If he thinks that you are not prepared to play, do not convoke you, something that I obey and understand totally.

11. In1978 the Argentinian trainer Menotti didn't convoke Maradona, as he considered him too young.

12. The disfigurement of fund governance in our country is that the election and superintendence to the third party seized by the manager, and the holders do not have the realism approach to convoke the holder convention.


13. It is of course possible that, if he wins, he may be true to his promises and convoke a Parliament for all China; but it is at least equally possible that he may not.

convoke 英英释义


1. convoke

1. call together

    e.g. The students were convened in the auditorium

    Synonym: convene