cooling system

cooling system [ˈku:lɪŋ ˈsistəm]  [ˈkulɪŋ ˈsɪstəm] 

cooling system 基本解释


cooling system 网络解释

1. 冷却系统:冷卻系統(Cooling System) : 可藉冷卻劑的迴圈,將多餘的熱量移出引擎,以防止過熱的系統. 在水冷式的引擎中,包括水套、水泵、水箱及節溫器. 曲軸箱(Crankcase) 引擎下部,為曲軸運轉的...

2. 冷却系:2、分类 冷却系按照冷却介质不同可以分为风冷和水冷(图8-1),如果把发动机中高温零件的热量直接散入大气而进行冷却的装置称为冷却系(cooling system)的主要功用是把受热零件吸收的部分热量及时散发出去,保证发动机在最适宜的温度状态下工作.

3. 冷却方式:激光类型(Laser Type) 灯泵浦脉冲Nd:YAG激光器激光输出方式(Output) 光纤输出或直接输出冷却方式(Cooling System) 闭环水冷

4. 降温系统:cooling load temperature冷负荷温度 | cooling system降温系统 | cooling tower冷却塔

cooling system 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. With the use of the company's products the venue will use no active heating and cooling system.

2. cooling system

2. The contaminated water has hampered work to install a sustainable cooling system at each reactor that incorporates the water treatment system.

3. cooling system的反义词

3. The pump failure knocked out half of the space station's cooling system last weekend, leaving the orbiting lab with only one good cooling loop.

4. Plant workers manually restarted the cooling system after about 20 minutes, it said.

5. cooling system的解释

5. Authorities have been trying to pour sea water into the nuclear plant's three troubled reactors after cooling system failures.

6. The plant needs water for its cooling system, and that is why most nuclear power plants are close to water.

7. cooling system

7. The Fukushima Nuclear Plant has only one cooling system, which makes use of reactor heat to raise steam directly for power generation.

8. Tokyo Electric Power Co said it may finish reconnecting a power line to the cooling system of the No 2 reactor.

9. Over the weekend, they replaced a pump panel that is part of a critical cooling system.

10. Disappointed managers said two more spacewalks now will be needed to replace the pump and get the International Space Station's cooling system operating normally again.

cooling system 英英释义

cooling system


1. cooling system的意思

1. a mechanism for keeping something cool

    e.g. the cooling was overhead fans

    Synonym: cooling

2. cooling system什么意思

2. equipment in a motor vehicle that cools the engine

    Synonym: engine cooling system