
cordillera [ˌkɔ:dɪ'ljeərə]  [ˌkɔ:'dɪlərə] 

cordillera 基本解释



cordillera 网络解释


1. 山系:科迪勒拉山系(cordillera)沿加拿大太平洋海岸形成了一道高山桓墙. 这里地形复杂多样,一系列葱岭和高原间隔交错. 像落基山脉,有的顶峰高达12000英尺;赛尔库克山脉;英属哥伦比亚省的内陆高原;有海岸山脉,其中就有海拔 19850 英尺,

2. 山脉:cordierite 堇青石 | cordillera 山脉 | Cordilleran geosyncline 科迪勒拉地槽

3. 雁列山(美洲):coral reef珊瑚礁 | cordillera雁列山(美洲) | core area核心区

cordillera 单语例句

1. cordillera

1. Landslides blocked the roads to the mountain city of Baguio in the heart of the Cordillera region.

2. In the northern region of Cordillera, 61 road sections were blocked due to landslides and flooding.

3. Going inside the Kunlun Cordillera, the mountains you see appear to be lofty and grand.