1. 球茎:4.球茎(corm)球状的地下茎,如荸荠(Eleocharistuberosa)、慈姑、芋等(图3-121,D、E),它们都是根状茎先端膨大而成. 球茎有明显的节和节间,节上具褐色膜状物,即鳞叶,为退化变形的叶. 球茎具顶芽,荸荠更有较多的侧芽,簇生在顶芽四周.
2. 球茎,球根 球莖:core area 核心区 中心地域 Y | corm 球茎,球根 球莖 Y | cormlet 小球茎 小球莖 Y
3. 茎叶体:corky 软木质的 | corm 茎叶体 | cormophyte 茎叶植物
4. 球茎/球根:corky /软木的/活泼的/ | corm /球茎/球根/ | cormorant /鸬鹚/贪婪的人/贪婪的/
1. The fungus originates in the soil, travels to the secondary roots and enters the corm through fresh injuries.
2. More than 150 types of tulips have bloomed since early April, as well as a number of other corm flowers.
1. solid swollen underground bulb-shaped stem or stem base and serving as a reproductive structure