corn earworm

corn earworm [kɔ:n ˈiəwə:m]  [kɔrn ˈɪrˌwɚm] 

corn earworm 基本解释
corn earworm 网络解释

1. 玉米螟蛉, 玉米穗夜蛾:corn borer 玉米螟 yùmǐmíng | corn earworm 玉米螟蛉, 玉米穗夜蛾 yùmǐmínglíng, | cross reaction 交叉反应 jiāochāfǎnyìng

2. 棉铃虫:corn drill ==> 谷物条播机 | corn earworm ==> 棉铃虫 | corn radish ==> 野萝卜

corn earworm 双语例句

1. This web site provides information about pest managment information for vegetable production in the Midwestern U. S., European corn borer and corn earworm information, weather information, IPM supplier directory, news, etc.

2. Vegetable Production Pest Fact Sheets; European Corn Borer and Corn Earworm Information; What's New; Weather Watch; IPM Supplier Directory; News Releases

corn earworm 英英释义


1. larva of a noctuid moth
    highly destructive to especially corn and cotton and tomato crops

    Synonym: cotton bollworm tomato fruitworm tobacco budworm vetchworm Heliothis zia