1. 雪檐:描述: 从Zupjok往Llama进发, 下第一个雪坡. 全线皆在山脊行走, 边沿都是雪檐 (Cornice) 要小心行进.
2. 檐口:托架(BRACKET) 一种用石、木或金属制成的从墙壁上伸出的支撑,其顶部为平面,可托住雕像、檐口(CORNICE)、横梁等重物(图410). 托架的下部如果有涡卷形装饰(SCROLL)就称其为涡卷形支架(图620). 拓印法(FRTTAGE) 见摹拓(RUBBING).
3. 飞檐:corner site 街角地盘 | cornice 飞檐 | corporate landlord 机构业主
4. 檐板(窗帘盒):吊钉 suspended ceiling false ceiling | 檐板(窗帘盒) cornice | 砖墙 brick wall
1. 檐口;楣;飞檐
A cornice is a strip of plaster, wood, or stone which goes along the top of a wall or building.
1. cornice的意思
1. the topmost projecting part of an entablature
2. a molding at the corner between the ceiling and the top of a wall
3. a decorative framework to conceal curtain fixtures at the top of a window casing
Synonym: valance valance board pelmet
1. furnish with a cornice