
corns [kɔ:ns]  [kɔ:ns] 



corns 基本解释
<英>谷物( corn的名词复数 );<美>玉蜀黍;平庸;钉胼;
corns 网络解释

1. 鸡眼:再来说说鸡眼(corns)吧,鸡眼是由单位面积长期摩擦产生的外观看似鸡的眼睛的角化物,一般发生于足趾间骨头摩擦处,或者足趾与鞋子摩擦处. 因其生化本质和指甲、毛发类似,所以质地很硬,容易压迫局部神经,产生疼痛. 因患者自觉疼痛,

2. 玉米:再透过十个引人入胜的篇章,诠释三个魔法般的哈佛现象透过当代女性原住民摄影及影像艺术,对美洲原住民深具特殊意义与象徵意旨的大地(earth)、玉米(corns)和飞天之女(sky woman)主题在她们的作品中以不同的面貌出现∕再现,

3. 汉语:谷(物) 英语:汉语:汝(你) 英语:you | 汉语:谷(物) 英语:corns | 汉语:预期 英语:wish

corns 单语例句

1. corns的翻译

1. Under the roofs are strings of golden corns and red chili - the fruits of the farmers'labor.

2. Granny offers us boiled corns and a cigarette to the only young man among us.

3. In our commercialized society, one may get juicy and colorful corns from a US farm in supermarkets.

4. She now sees roads, a vegetable market and residential buildings where the wheat and corns used to prosper.

5. " I can forget my tiredness and talk to my corns, " he says.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. They plant corns, sugarcanes and tropical fruits at the foot of mountains and grow rice near the riverside.

7. corns的反义词

7. The lush menu includes freshly plucked corns, marinated steaks and chicken wings.