
corporal [ˈkɔ:pərəl]  [ˈkɔ:rpərəl] 


corporal 基本解释




corporal 网络解释


1. 下士:如果不是战斗兵种就要参与特定兵种的管理培训课程,比如运输兵种的士官去Transport Leader Course,物资管理员的士官去Supply Supervisor Course......在校期间从列兵(Private)升为下士(Corporal),毕业后升为三等中士(3rd Sergeant),

2. 陆军下士:很多年前,有一个陆军下士(corporal)指挥一队士兵修筑一座毁环了的桥梁. 这个下士认为自己是最大的人物,所以只发号施令不动手. 士兵们正把一根木头往一个土墩上搬,但是由于人手不够上不去. 这时,一位打扮成平民模样的绅士碰巧路过这儿,

3. 肉体的:coroner's court 验尸庭 | corporal 肉体的 | corporal punishment 体罚;肉刑

4. 班长,下士:Compact weapon 紧凑型武器 | Corporal 班长,下士 | Corvette 小型护卫舰

corporal 词典解释

1. (陆军或美国海军陆战队的)下士
    A corporal is a non-commissioned officer in the army or United States Marines.

    e.g. The corporal shouted an order at the men.
    e.g. ...Corporal Devereux.

corporal 单语例句

1. The teachers'ethics code was introduced after a spate of cases involving teachers giving corporal punishment and using inappropriate language in class.

2. Corporal Tillman's death attracted a storm of media attention because he had turned down a $ 9 million football contract to volunteer for service.

3. corporal什么意思

3. Though legislation prohibits corporal punishment in schools and childcare centre, there is no law to stop people from physically punishing children at home.

4. corporal

4. The University of Hong Kong and a local NGO yesterday urged banning corporal punishment at home after recent abuse had turned fatal.

5. Israeli Corporal Gilad Shalit was seized last June by militants from Hamas and two other armed groups who tunnelled into Israel from Gaza.

6. Another key question for the military must be the fate of Gilad Shalit, the Israeli corporal held in Gaza since he was captured in 2006.

7. Corporal Dunham was killed when he jumped on a grenade to save fellow members of his Marine patrol while serving in Iraq.

8. Teachers'criticism at times turns to corporal punishment, inviting the anger of the parents and the authorities both.

9. A third of them said corporal punishment negatively affected their personalities, causing them to become introverted and depressed.

10. corporal的反义词

10. Some say it is corporal punishment while others feel its hard to distinguish whether its exercise or punishment.