
corrugated [ˈkɒrəgeɪtɪd]  [ˈkɔ:rəgeɪtɪd] 





corrugated 基本解释


形容词波纹的; 波纹状的; 缩成皱纹的; 波纹面的


corrugated 相关例句



1. Sheets of corrugated iron are often used for temporary roofs and fences.

corrugated 网络解释


1. 缩成皱纹的:corrugated paper 波状纸板 | corrugated 缩成皱纹的 | corrugation 成皱

2. 满是皱纹的:erosive腐蚀性的a | corrugated满是皱纹的,a | ruga皱纹

3. 皱折:corrugated 波形的 | corrugated 皱折 | corrugation web 槽形腹板

4. 波形的:corrugated 波纹状的 | corrugated 波形的 | corrugated 皱折

corrugated 词典解释

1. corrugated的解释

1. (金属、纸板)瓦楞状的
    Corrugated metal or cardboard has been folded into a series of small parallel folds to make it stronger.

    e.g. ...a hut with a corrugated iron roof.

corrugated 单语例句

1. Her company is the country's largest packaging manufacturer and produces corrugated cardboard, which is used for boxes that wrap exported products.

2. The roses were a more muted display, with the blooms carefully protected between layers of corrugated cardboard.

3. Bleached concrete pads are all that is left of substantial structures, scattered corrugated iron roofs crumpled like paper the only evidence of flimsier houses.

4. Peking University's construction areas are barricaded by corrugated sheets that are plastered with adverts.

5. corrugated

5. The construction area is barricaded by corrugated sheets that are plastered with adverts of suits for hire when seeking job interviews.

6. Formerly a storage area for Russian buyers, it has corrugated ceilings with thick steel girders that provide an industrial look above.

7. corrugated什么意思

7. Water was seeping from ruptured pipes and corrugated iron was dangling from the roofs of the damaged shops.

8. Corrugated metal roofs were twisted and chunks of buildings were scattered hundreds of yards away.

9. In his work the image of an apple leads viewers into a labyrinth of corrugated cardboard.

10. Some picked through the ruins of rubble and twisted corrugated sheeting in search of belongings.

corrugated 英英释义


1. corrugated的反义词

1. shaped into alternating parallel grooves and ridges

    e.g. the surface of the ocean was rippled and corrugated