
cortile [kɔ:'ti:leɪ]  [kɔ:'tɪleɪ] 

cortile 基本解释



cortile 网络解释


1. 中庭:米其林二星级中庭 (Cortile) 餐厅通往庭院,可以露天用餐. 该餐厅供应传统的法式以及威尼斯式菜肴. 日常 L'Assaggio 酒吧供应饮料和义大利餐点. 饭店设有一处商务中心、一个电脑租赁台以及三间可容纳 60 人的会议室.

2. 院子 庭院:corso 水流 流动 | cortile 院子 庭院 | cosa 物 事物 东西

3. 意庭院:corticotropinreleasinghormoneCRH 促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素 | cortile 意庭院 | cortili 庭院

4. 中庭, 内院:cortification || 皮层形成(作用) | cortile || 中庭, 内院 | cortin || 肾上腺皮质激素

cortile 双语例句


1. This article first introduces the status of smoke control at home and abroad, the classification and characteristics of the cortile buildings, and offers a direction for the research of smoke control.

2. With the socioeconomic development and the improvement of construction technology, the construction market in China is booming, in many cities cortile buildings are proliferating like mushrooms. in particular, the continual emergence of cortile high-rise buildings with new design concepts have become a symbol of the city building.

3. Along with the development of the cortile building, the occurence of fires also have a growing trend, a large number of new materials, the application of the new structure caused more difficulties for the p the protection against fire and smoke, also make thecontroling method of construction flue gas a great challenge.

4. In pair of the cortile pool by reflection from outside, with the outside water flowing into the cortile pool, the indoor and outdoor are integrated.

5. For the skirted portion 1-5 floors, there are 3 main construction highlights:(1) cortile entrance: Rugby-shaped, inspiration of design comes from Beijing Sky Altar.


6. The fourth chapter summarized and analyzed exterior space and cortile space in college teaching building space, and pointed out some principles and concrete techniques.

7. Abstract: " Cortile Construction " has been one of the construction styles being developed aggressively since the skyscrapers were built one hundred years ago.

8. A Discussion on the Structure in the Cortile of a Metro Station