
cortisone [ˈkɔ:tɪzəʊn]  [ˈkɔ:rtəsoʊn] 

cortisone 基本解释



cortisone 网络解释


1. 可的松:优点:按激素昼夜分泌节律给药,晨6-8时为分泌高峰,对垂体-肾上腺皮质轴负反馈抑制性小 [糖皮质激素分类] 1、短效:可的松(Cortisone)、氢化可的松(Hydrocortisone)(前者在肝内转化为后者才生效) 2、中效:泼尼松(Cortisone)、氢化泼尼松(强的松龙Prednisolone),

2. 皮质酮:肾上腺制造类固醇(steroids)及皮质酮(cortisone)时也需要泛酸. 它也是辅酶A(coenzyme A)的必要元素. 体内所有的细胞均需要它,它主要集中在各器官内. 维持消化道正常功能及治疗忧郁与焦急,均需要此维他命. 吡哆醇,俗称维他命B6,

3. 肾上腺皮质激素:看上去一切都那么顺利.2002年他依然保持着良好的势头,在连续第三次进入法网四强后他终于进入了决赛,可是脚伤让他不得不靠注射肾上腺皮质激素(Cortisone)完成比赛,他也在被一致看好的情况下饮恨败给科斯塔.可他依然获得了蒙特卡洛和香港公开赛的冠军,

4. 皮质酮,可体松:cortisol 皮质醇,氢化可体松 | cortisone 皮质酮,可体松 | cotyledon 子叶

cortisone 词典解释

1. 可的松(一种用于治疗关节炎、过敏症和某些皮肤病的激素)
    Cortisone is a hormone used in the treatment of arthritis, allergies, and some skin diseases.

cortisone 单语例句

1. He was hospitalized in the first week with a shin injury that continued to bother him despite cortisone injections and acupuncture treatments.

2. A laughing person's brain blocks production of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisone.

3. " We can't depend on the cortisone shots, " Reyes said.

4. cortisone

4. Just like someone who jogs 10 km a day, people with elevated stress levels will see a jump in cortisone levels in their saliva.

5. Cannavaro had previously been cleared of wrongdoing after failing a drugs test in August, two days after receiving an emergency cortisone injection for the sting.

6. Agassi acknowledged that doctors told him he could safely take only three cortisone injections a year in his lower back to treat his condition.

7. He had a cortisone injection deep in the back a few months ago to reduce the inflammation and calm down the nerve.


8. Brown said he had cortisone shots for the injury last season but wouldn't have one yet.

9. The Belgian chose a more conservative approach instead, receiving a cortisone injection between the Australian Open and last month's Antwerp tournament.

cortisone 英英释义


1. a corticosteroid hormone (trade name Cortone Acetate) normally produced by the adrenal cortex
    is converted to hydrocortisone

    Synonym: Cortone Acetate