
cos [kɔs]  [kɔs, kɑs] 

cos 基本解释

名词余弦; 动漫角色扮演; 以太网上用服务类别; Certificate of Suitability 指的是欧洲药典适用性认证

cos 网络解释


1. 余弦函数:根据多普勒检测原理,多普勒血流速度的读数与该血管与超声束之间的透射角有关,与透射角成余弦函数(cos)的关系,当其透射角越小,cos的函数越大,则所得的血流速度越高,多普勒颇移信号越强.

2. 余弦:可对一个 32位IEEE浮点数执行下列操作: 求绝对值(ABS) 求平方(SQR)和平方根(SQRT) 求自然对数(LN) 求指数值(EXP)以e (= 2,71828)为底 求下列32位IEEE浮点数表示的角度的三角函数 - 正弦(SIN)和反正弦(ASIN) 余弦(COS)和反余弦(ACOS

3. 余弦值:在这个范例中,有十个相同的工作都是在计算一个角度的正弦值(Sin)和余弦值(Cos),每个工作的执行频率都是每秒 200 次. 8行.由於在microC/OS-II内,优先权并不能重复,所以TaskStart()的优先权设为0,其余十个工作的优先权分别为1到10.

4. cos:cocarbon oxygen sulphide; 一氧化碳

5. cos:smart card operating system; 智能卡操作系统

6. cos:chip operation system; 片内操作系统

7. cos:classes of service; 服务类别

cos 单语例句

1. The company has decided to bring its upgraded line Cos to China by the end of this year.


2. Soaring interbank borrowing costs led to the collapse of Bear Stearns & Cos.

3. Goldman and Morgan Stanley were the only major US investment banks left standing after the buyout of Bear Stearns Cos.

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4. The failure of Bear Stearns Cos " was more a management issue than a market issue in our opinion ".

5. He expects total advertising cos to exceed 300 million yuan, he said.

6. He was stunned at how leveraged Bear Stearns Cos Inc and Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc were before they collapsed last year.

7. " He is a hard worker and he's a very talented kid, " Phelps said of Cos.

8. Home improvement chains Home Depot Inc and Lowes Cos Inc saw weak spring demand.

9. That power has enabled Bernanke to extend credit to financial companies such as Bear Stearns Cos to stave off their collapse.

10. Bear Stearns Cos CEO Jimmy Cayne and senior executives won't reward their poor performance with a bonus either.

cos 英英释义



1. lettuce with long dark-green leaves in a loosely packed elongated head

    Synonym: cos lettuce romaine romaine lettuce

2. ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle

    Synonym: cosine