1. 双曲余弦:答案是--悬链线(Catenary),其形状与双曲余弦(cosh)一样. 记得前一段时间听到过这样一个问题,说:在一张硬板上剪下一块如上图所示阴影的图形,它一定不能穿过刚才所剪出的洞,请问为什么?当时我拿到了这道题,想了想,
2. 返回数的双曲线余弦:COS 返回数的余弦 | COSH 返回数的双曲线余弦 | COUNTIF 计算符合给定条件的区域中的非空单元格数
3. 返回数字的双曲余弦值:COS 返回数字的余弦 | COSH 返回数字的双曲余弦值 | DEGREES 将弧度转换为度
4. 双曲函数 双曲余弦:正切 tan | 双曲函数 双曲余弦 cosh | 双曲正弦 sinh
5. cosh:council on smoking and health; 吸烟与健康委员会
1. (用作武器的)金属短棒,橡胶棒
A cosh is a heavy piece of rubber or metal which is used as a weapon.
2. 用短棒(或短棒状物)打
To cosh someone means to hit them hard on the head with a cosh or a similar weapon.
e.g. ...robbers who punched Tom and coshed Helen.
1. In the first half it was pretty even but in the second it seemed like we were under the cosh for about three hours.
1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
1. a piece of metal covered by leather with a flexible handle
used for hitting people
1. hit with a cosh, usually on the head