council school

council school [ˈkaunsl sku:l]  [ˈkaʊnsəl skul] 

council school 基本解释
council school 网络解释

council school是什么意思

1. 公立学校:1886年,在慕尼黑公立学校(Council School)读书;在家里学习犹太教的教规. 1890年,在医科大学生塔尔梅(Max Talmey)引导下,读通俗科学读物和哲学著作. 1892年,开始读康德(ImmanuelKant)的著作.

2. 地方公立学校(英):综合中学(美) Cosmopolitan high school; Composite high school;Comprehensive high school | 地方公立学校(英) Council school | 地方立中等学校(英) Council secondary school

council school 单语例句

1. The Council of Chief State School Officers and the children's book publisher Scholastic organize the program.

2. Zhao was head of the State Council Information Office before he was appointed as dean of the School of Journalism in Renmin University this November.

3. The government is to assess all school buildings in quake zones, said a statement from the earthquake relief headquarters of the State Council.

4. According to the American Council on Education, some 40 million Americans have never finished high school.

5. The plant had also refused wage increases for 47 staff at its junior high school, despite a State Council promise in 2004 to raise every teacher's salary.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. The State Council vowed to make school buildings safe and reliable in a circular issued recently.

7. council school

7. BEIJING - The State Council's Legislative Affairs Office opened a public comment period on Sunday on draft safety regulations for school buses.

8. In high school I was on the student council, and I'm used to doing this.

9. The council said most of the victims are students or young people who have left school only recently.

10. This council will be granted the mandate to make decisions on important matters concerning the school's teaching and operation.