
coverts ['kʌvəts]  ['kʌvəts] 


coverts 基本解释
隐蔽的,不公开的,秘密的( covert的名词复数 );复羽;
coverts 双语例句

1. Nevertheless, also somebody thinks, of the certificate that buy a house extending is a need that models building town hope, although be, one kind coverts privilege, but a rich that what reflect is market buyers and sellers weichis, also be at present building city ankyloses a portraiture of condition.


2. A The bird with intact tail and covert feathers; tail feathers protruding beyond ventral coverts are trimmed to the same length as coverts; tail feathers, ventral and dorsal covert feathers removed.
    鸟与完整的尾巴和秘密的羽毛;尾巴的羽毛,伸出超越腹侧coverts是削减到相同的长度,作为coverts ;尾部的羽毛,腹和背暗羽毛拆除。

3. The observation results show that vulture has huge body, black woolfleece, circle nares, epicranium quill - coverts. There is white skin fold ruff at cervix near head.

4. The denser nocturnal vapours, attacked by the warm beams, were dividing and shrinking into isolated fleeces within hollows and coverts, where they waited till they should be dried away to nothing.

5. Lesser Cuckoo as adult blue morph usually has a rich salmon-pink wash through the undertail coverts.

6. We might even suggest heinei by the absence of brownish immature-type feathers in wing coverts.


7. The rump and uppertail coverts of Lesser are very dark slate and usually offer no contrast with the blue-black uppertail.

8. I think only Vivid Niltava has such a narrow throat line and it seems normal for female to show contrastingly buffy undertail coverts.


9. On-grid PV system is made up of solar modules, inverters and so on. This system coverts solar energy into electricity, and then transports the electricity to the public grid connected by the connector and inverters, withdraw when needed.

10. An all dark juvenile marsh harrier, or a juvenile or immature with a paler head, full eye-stripe (reaching from the nape-sides through the eye and across the lores), lacking a pale rump, pale patches on the upperparts away from the marginal coverts, or extensive pale on the under sides of the primaries, barring or streaking, can be safely identified as a WMH.

11. A juvenile marsh harrier showing a pale breast band (extending round towards the mantle), pale on the rump, extensive pale on the upperwing coverts, an extensive blaze on the underside of the primaries, and/or traces of barring can be safely identified as an EMH.

12. From yellow undertail coverts, narrow wing bars, and rather diffuse and indistinct central crown stripe that bird clearly Eastern Crowned Warbler.
      从黄色的尾下覆羽,狭窄的翼带,及相当扩散而不明确的中央冠纹看来,它很明显地是冠羽柳莺 Eastern Crowned Warbler。

13. This powerful antioxidant gives the tuber its yellow, gold, or orange (and sometimes even purple) coloring and coverts to vitamin A in your dogs body.

14. First warbler yellow-browed, the dark bases to the secondaries and black-centred greater coverts leave few other options.

15. First using boundary element method coverts equation to be solved into boundary integral equation, then spread boundary integral equations by quasi wavelet basis turns to corresponding algebraic equations and solve it getting approximately solutions.

16. Minto solar heat engine is a device that coverts solar energy or other waste heat into mechanical energy. The engine with characteristic of low speed and high torque can be driven by a small temperature difference.

17. It suggests that many plumage features are/can be shared by all three of Pallas`s/Middendorff`s/Styan`s, including blackish-looking greater coverts, white tips to inner web of one or more tertials, white tips to tail feathers and greyish on face/nape, so birds need to be identified on a combination of features.


18. As the core of the BI/DW (Business Intelligence/Data Warehouse), ETL can integrate and improve the values of the data; it coverts the data sources to target database; it is the key step for the implement process.

19. APPLICATION OF A PARTICLE-IN-CELL METHOD TO SOLID MECHANICS In response to the applied stimuli, domain can switch and domain switching coverts one variant into another.

20. Discussion on the Routed Select and Lay Optic Fiber Cable of Coverts Telecommunication Project