
covetously [kʌ'vɪtəslɪ]  [kʌ'vɪtəslɪ] 

covetously 基本解释
covetously 网络解释


1. 妄想地:covetous 贪婪的 | covetously 妄想地 | covey 一群

2. 妄想地, 贪心地:covetous || 贪婪的, 妄羡的 | covetously || 妄想地, 贪心地 | covey || 一群, 一队

3. 妄想地; 贪心地 (副):covetous 妄羡的, 贪婪的, 乱要的 (形) | covetously 妄想地; 贪心地 (副) | covetousness 贪求; 垂涎 (名)

covetously 双语例句


1. He is staring at her covetously.

2. The mantis focused too much on its prey and neglected a bird behind staring covetously at it.

3. With the city government building on the park to increase investment, developers of the nearby country park land covetously.


4. He means that the love so given to one near in blood is covetously withheld from some stranger who, it may be, hungers for it.

5. The reporter understands, pass nearly 3 months adjust, the information content that Yahoo public praise covers with its and resource conformity ability, the tabernacle in the website is searched in a group without leader life the first; But, face the eye covetously of other Internet tycoon, yahoo public praise whether serve the market to sit in life search really firm head an ancient folding chair, still facing a lot of test.


6. As I wandered out of it on my first day in Opuwo, my mouth still agape from the richness of clanging cultures, a Himba woman approached me, covetously eyeing the sleeveless short dress I`d
    我在Opuwa的第一天,当我看到哪些叮叮当当的东西的时候,我还是会觉得很惊讶。那天,一个辛巴女人朝我走了过来,垂涎地望着我在Banana Republic(Banana Republic


7. A female mouse was walking with her children, suddenly she saw a cat eyeing covetously in boskage.

8. He put a preoccupation with the opportunity to speak, like a bandit squatting on roadside, ready covetously to a highway robbery.

9. She eyed those jewels covetously.

10. The boys looked covetously at the row of expensive cars parked along the street.


11. And Samsung, Sharp, LG as the representative of the foreign brands are also eye covetously.

12. Abroad has had many new media foundation and PE, be opposite this one eye covetously.
      国外已经有不少新媒体基金和 PE,在对这一块虎视眈眈了。

13. Along with the 3G time's gradual arrival, the handset value-added service's domain more and more favors, many overseas enterprises also eye covetously to China's handset increment market.

14. Mambo is clear about in Er heart, a lot of potential competitors are opposite Guge eye covetously, aimed at search advertisement market.

15. Nowadays, the competition among enterprises has turn white hot. In face of becoming a member of WTO, overseas medical tycoons eye covetously or menacingly. They are gonging to enter into Chinese market.

16. SK telecommunications still is opposite nowadays the Chinese telegraphic eye covetously after recombining.

covetously 英英释义



1. in a greedy manner

    Synonym: avariciously greedily

2. with jealousy
    in an envious manner

    e.g. he looked at his friend's new car jealously

    Synonym: enviously jealously