1. 氯化聚醚:(九) 聚苯醚(PFO)与氯化聚醚(CPS) 1、聚苯醚 聚苯醚机械特性优于聚碳酸酯、聚酰胺和聚甲醛,一般呈琥珀色透明体,在目前生产的热塑性塑料中玻璃化温度最高(210℃)、吸水性最小,室温下饱和吸水率为0.1%.
2. 凸轮轴位置传感器:公园距离控制( pdc )的后方电线( e39 )世界车库门开( ugdo )天线助推器凸轮轴位置传感器( cps )的位置上的v12发动机凸轮轴位置传感器( cps )的更换油分离阀( osv )更换油分离阀( osv )更换油分离阀( osv )更换笔记/照片1998
3. 每秒计数:选项有每秒计数 (CPS), 每小时毫雷姆(mR/Hr), 和每小时微西弗 (uSv/Hr). mR/Hr 和uSv/Hr 是未经能量补偿的,仅为估计值,本仪器不可用作一台剂量测量仪表. 报警音调(Alarm Pitch) 调整该参数会使搜索(SEARCH)模式的报警声的音调改变.
4. 控制性能标准:[关键词]频率控制 自动发电控制(AGC) 供应控制偏差(SCE) 服务提供者控制性能指标(SCPS) 控制性能标准(CPS)[摘要]华东电网引入北美电力可靠性委员会(NERC)的控制性能标准(CPS)起到了改善系统频率控制性能的作用,
5. cps:frame cushion per second; 秒
6. cps:the communist party school; 党校
7. cps:cycles per second; 周
8. cps:control performance standards; 控制性能标准
1. In addition to loans, the ADB also expects to provide $ 20 million annually in grants to fund CPS projects.
2. He disputed that CPS doesn't know who the baby's father is, citing the thousands of church marriage documents seized from the ranch during the weeklong raid.
3. Messages left over the weekend with CPS officials were not immediately returned.
4. The two top Asian cities demonstrate the global appeal of CPS, despite the fact that the service doesn't currently use the flag carriers of those countries.
5. cps什么意思
5. China will tap ADB's regional cooperation programs to facilitate trade and investment and pursue regional public health and financial stability under the CPS.
6. To achieve inclusive and balanced economic growth, the CPS will focus on poorer provinces and promote integrated rural and urban development.
7. The CPS is due to give its decision on Monday, and neither it nor the IPCC will comment before the official announcement.
8. A spokesman for CPS Energy says the company understands the problem and won't turn off the lights any time soon.
9. The points raised in the second phase of CPS framework are related to increasing the value strategies.
10. The CPS will also promote efficient infrastructure and energy use and strengthen environmental management.
1. the unit of frequency
one hertz has a periodic interval of one second
Synonym: hertz Hz cycle per second cycles/second cycle