1. 山楂:前院的山楂(crabapple)掉了一地,去年这个时候,小宝捡了几颗放在口袋里,不知道是好奇还是无聊,居然放到嘴巴里,滋味苦涩难吞,就吐了出来,被老师误以为食物中毒,还提前被送回家里.
2. 螃蟹:175. Diet Cola 日常饮食冒号 | 176. Crabapple 螃蟹 | 178. Vegetable Oil 蔬菜油
3. 海棠果:153 Crab Juice 蟹汁(调料) | 154 Crabapple 海棠果 | 155 Cranberry Sauce 蔓越莓酱
4. 野苹果:crab-applehowcanonehelp 柰 | crabapple 野苹果 | crabbedcrabbycussedgnarledgnarlymulishpertinacious 执拗的
1. small sour apple
suitable for preserving
e.g. crabapples make a tangy jelly
Synonym: crab apple
2. danci.911cha.com
2. any of numerous wild apple trees usually with small acidic fruit
Synonym: wild apple crab apple
3. any of numerous varieties of crab apples cultivated for their small acidic (usually bright red) fruit used for preserves or as ornamentals for their blossoms
Synonym: crab apple cultivated crab apple