crack on

crack on [kræk ɔn]  [kræk ɑn] 

crack on 基本解释

crack on


crack on 网络解释

1. 加速:crack of dawn 黎明 | crack on 加速 | crack up 撞坏

2. 满帆前进:微速前进! dead slow ahead! | 满帆前进 crack on | 全前进角 gle of adv ance; total angle of advance

3. 继续疾走, 继续疾驶, 继续干下去:crack of dawn || 黎明, 破晓 | crack on || 继续疾走, 继续疾驶, 继续干下去 | crack open || 啪地一声打开

4. 满帆进步:229. crack meter ==> 裂缝探量观测仪,裂纹探量观测仪 | 230. crack on ==> 满帆进步 | 231. crack opening displacement ==> 裂纹伸开位移

crack on 单语例句

1. crack on

1. Russia's biggest wholesale market was closed down in late June by the Russian government to crack down on smuggling.

2. The new leadership's resolute measures to crack down on price hikes and restore market order were effective in helping calm down a panicked public.

3. China has carried out a number of campaigns to crack down on counterfeiting and piracy, he said.

4. Israel says progress on the road map is possible only if the Palestinians crack down on militants who carry out attacks.

5. Italian soccer is trying to crack down on its radical elements after a policeman was killed during rioting outside a match in Catania in February.

6. " The central bank move does not mean to crack down on the stock market, " said Xia Bin of the Development Research Center under the State Council.

7. The change suggests the authorities have started to crack down on street racing, a researcher said.

8. The latter's participation will no doubt be an invaluable supplement to the police authorities'nationwide campaign to crack down on trafficking in children.

9. Chow rejected the suggestion that tobacco duty increase would prompt smokers to buy illicit cigarettes, saying the government is determined to crack down on illicit cigarettes.

10. Federal authorities want to improve technology systems and crack down on employees to prevent the theft or loss of classified and sensitive information.