
cracked [krækt]  [krækt] 





cracked 基本解释

形容词有裂缝的; 声音沙哑的; 精神失常的

动词破裂; 崩溃(crack的过去分词); 发沙哑声

cracked 网络解释


1. 破裂的:8-13% 破裂的(Cracked) 暴击减少3% 驯猪者(Pig Tamers) 最小伤害减少3-4 猎猪者(Pig Hunters) 最大伤害减少6-9 蛇(Snake) 等级4以上最小伤害增加1最大伤害增加1-2 天鹅召唤者(Swan Summoners) 等级12以上最小负伤率增加1% 驯蛇者(Snake Tamers) 最小伤害增加1 女神的(Goddess) 武器 str+10,

2. 破解版:L0phtCrack Administrator Edition[最好的管理员帐号密码破解工具]v6.0.1.0 破解版(Cracked) 这是一款网络管理员的必备的工具,它可以用来检测Windows、UNIX 用户是否使用了不安全的密码,同样也是最好、最快的Wi...

3. 声音嘶哑的, 破碎的, 破裂的:best total of points 最好成绩, 最低积分 | cracked 声音嘶哑的, 破碎的, 破裂的 | Chinese checkers 跳棋

4. 裂化的:cozymase 辅酶 | cracked 裂化的 | cracked gas 裂化气

cracked 词典解释

1. 破裂的;有裂纹的
    An object that is cracked has lines on its surface because it is damaged.

    e.g. The ceiling was grey and cracked.
    e.g. ...a cracked mirror.

2. (嗓音)沙哑的,颤抖的;(律音)刺耳的,不齐的
    A cracked voice or a cracked musical note sounds rough and unsteady.

    e.g. When he spoke, his voice was hoarse and cracked.

3. (行为或想法)奇怪的,错乱的
    If you say that someone is cracked, you think that their behaviour or ideas are very strange.

cracked 单语例句

1. The police also cracked more than 200 explosion cases and more than 60 cases of stealing or taking by force explosives.

2. cracked

2. Wu narrated the case calmly since he had cracked such drug trafficking groups so many times.

3. Beijing has cracked the biggest case of pyramid selling in recent years, the capital's public security bureau said on Friday.

4. cracked

4. Beijing airport police say they have cracked the largest theft case in the airport's history.

5. The central government cracked down on this in 2002 after some local governments found the actual profit rate was much lower than the fixed rate.

6. Guangzhou police cracked a gang of 59 members who monopolized the local food supplies of a famous snack chain store using violence.

7. cracked的意思

7. An enterprising policeman in Chongqing municipality cracked a tough bribery case recently by going undercover as a clerk.

8. When he cracked during the climactic final line of " Reason to Believe, " Stewart laughed with mock embarrassment.

9. cracked

9. Although Chinese medical supervisors claim they have consistently cracked down on illegal advertising, the severe situation indicates they have not done an adequate job.

10. Last summer, a horse accident in London left Madonna with a broken collarbone and three cracked ribs.

cracked 英英释义


1. informal or slang terms for mentally irregular

    e.g. it used to drive my husband balmy

    Synonym: balmy barmy bats batty bonkers buggy crackers daft dotty fruity haywire kooky kookie loco loony loopy nuts nutty round the bend around the bend wacky whacky

2. cracked的解释

2. of paint or varnish
    having the appearance of alligator hide

    Synonym: alligatored

3. used of skin roughened as a result of cold or exposure

    e.g. chapped lips

    Synonym: chapped roughened