







cracks 基本解释
打开( crack的第三人称单数 );开裂;说;开瓶;
cracks 网络解释


1. 裂缝:Trinian's)、<<裂缝>>(Cracks)等片. 最近她刚刚完成<<脏女孩>>(Dirty Girl)的拍摄,值得一提的是和她一同搭档的米拉.乔诺维奇(Milla Jovovich)恰恰也是这部<<三个火枪手>>中女反派米拉迪.德温特(Milady de Winter)的扮演者.

2. 开裂了:You're doing exactly what you think--|你只是在做你认为... | cracks.|开裂了 | You're lips are cracked.|你的嘴唇开裂了

3. 板间间隙:堆内通气道 chimneys in pile | 板间间隙 cracks | 垂直通气道 vertical flue; chimney

4. 小裂縫:小虎鯨 Feresa attenuata | 小型的卵 Miniature eggs | 小裂縫 Cracks

cracks 单语例句

1. The scale of group buying in China has reached a point where cracks have started to surface.

2. cracks的近义词

2. Even victory in the 100m did little to paper over the cracks of a calamitous few days for the erstwhile golden boy of Japanese swimming.

3. cracks

3. Mary Kom cracks a smile when she recalls the phone call from her father ordering her back to the village to explain herself.

4. cracks的近义词

4. This renovation is aimed at repairing leaks in the cellar of the monument and remedy the cracks spotted in the base of the monument.

5. They should make proper reparations after a thorough investigation, instead of simply cementing the cracks with glue.

6. Beijing - Engineers have been assigned to check every road bridge in the capital for faults and cracks following a collapse in Huairou district.

7. Other reports on Sunday were sketchy and mentioned cracks in some buildings and a chimney toppled.

8. The school has but one classroom with blue and yellow mold spreading like cracks over the inner walls because of the moisture.

9. cracks的反义词

9. State news agency MENA said parts of the area were being evacuated because new cracks had been seen in the cliff face.

10. The incident left cracks on windows of a residential building close to the market, cutting off its power and water supply.