
craftsmen ['krɑ:ftmən]  ['krɑ:ftmən] 



craftsmen 基本解释


名词工匠( craftsman的名词复数 ); 手艺人; 技术; 技艺

craftsmen 网络解释


1. 工匠:conspicuous突出 | craftsmen工匠 | certainly 当然

2. 技工:CLERKS----职员 | CRAFTSMEN----技工 | SOLDIERS----士兵

craftsmen 单语例句


1. To reproduce the ancient style of the Fuzhou horn comb, craftsmen had to polish every comb tooth by hand.

2. He then contracted craftsmen to carve pictures on the skulls, and sold the carved ones overseas at higher prices.

3. Shiwan is a town located in the southwest of the city of Foshan, with a long history of ceramic sculpture passed down through several generations of craftsmen.

4. Though the Ministry of Labor is devising certificate courses for some types of craftsmen, a comprehensive national vocational education system with recognized professional diplomas is necessary.

5. More than 100 of the iconic teapots made by skilled craftsmen are displayed here at the China Purple Clay Art Museum in Shanghai.

6. On the more traditional front are wallets of deer hide and chinaware mugs made by craftsmen - all with Hello Kitty motifs.

7. craftsmen什么意思

7. Creativity and uniqueness are the ultimate pursuit for world's top architects and duplication is regarded to be the work of commonplace craftsmen.

8. The design of the spout conveys the consummate technique and rich imagination of the craftsmen.

9. And relatives of the dead often ordered the craftsmen to begin working on building a cortege months before the death.

10. craftsmen什么意思

10. Craftsmen appeared very early in the history of the Yi ethnic group.