1. crap out : 掷骰子输掉, (非正式)败北, 退出, 放弃;
1. 垃圾:c 他的宝贝, 你眼中的垃圾( crap) 你本想把卧室布置的优雅而有品位, 可是他那盏足球形台灯怎么办? 他从大学一年级保留至今容易吗? 他还想把它摆在床头作为卧室的重要景看呢! 注意, 即使这盏小小的、廉价的台灯一举破坏了你所有关于chic的梦想,
2. crap:compound radix astragali preparation; 芪苓制剂
3. crap:cell relay access platform; 单元中继接入平台
1. crap在线翻译
1. 错误的;质量差的;蹩脚的
If you describe something as crap, you think that it is wrong or of very poor quality.
2. 粪便;屎
Crap is sometimes used to refer to faeces.
3. 排便;拉屎
To crap means to get rid of faeces from your body.
4. (主要流行于北美洲的)双骰子赌博游戏
Craps or crap is a gambling game, played mainly in North America, in which you throw two dice and bet what the total will be.
e.g. I'll shoot some craps or play some blackjack.
1. crap的反义词
1. Sometimes I can't believe I talk about this crap all day.
2. crap的意思
2. Just take a look at Xanadu, the palatial estate crammed with all the crap the millionaire newspaper tycoon amassed.
3. China is even willing to buy crap car firms such as Rover in the UK or pay far too much for Unocal.
4. The one advantage I have over him is just hitting the crap out of the ball.
5. " People think I am crazy to buy so much'crap "''he said.
6. I didn't give a crap how they looked because they were comfy.
7. When I was a kid, most of the advice that my dad gave me was crap.
8. " I didn't give him this crap that they're talking about, " he told ABC television.
9. " The sleep and food plan that was the majority of the crap, " Davis said.
10. " But it's still a crap shoot, " he pointed out.
1. obscene words for unacceptable behavior
e.g. I put up with a lot of bullshit from that jerk
what he said was mostly bull
Synonym: bullshit bull Irish bull horseshit shit dogshit
2. crap什么意思
2. obscene terms for feces
1. crap的反义词
1. have a bowel movement
e.g. The dog had made in the flower beds
Synonym: stool defecate shit take a shit take a crap ca-ca make