
create [kriˈeɪt]  [kriˈet] 






create 基本解释


及物动词产生; 创造,创作; 封爵,把…封为(贵族)


create 相关例句



1. The queen created him a peer.

2. Tourism creates jobs.

3. It's bound to create trouble sooner or later.

4. Man creates himself.

5. We've created a beautiful new house from an old ruin.

create 情景对话


A:We want to use the right marketing mix to reach our target market.

B:Certainly. We've done some tactical planning already. We think we've come up with a good plan.

A:What media do you plan to use?

B:Well, taking into account the image you want to project, we've asked our copywriters to prepare copy for computer magazines and the internet first.

A:So that way, our advertising dollars would be focused on people we know are computer users.

B:Yes. We'll also run billboard and newspaper ads to help create broad brand recognition.

A:Will there be any direct mail?

B:No. That would not be correct for a manufacturer like you. Leave that to the retailers.

A:Good point. Please prepare a more detailed proposal, and then I'll pitch it to the higher-ups.

B:Great. We'll get started right away.

create 网络解释

1. 建立:actor) 建立(Create)反应(Reaction) [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[C] 删除(Delete)反应(Reaction) [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[D] 编辑状态(State)切换 [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[s] 设置最大影响(Influence) [Ctrl]+[I] 设置最小影响(Influence) [Alt]+[I] 设置影响值(value) [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[V] ActiveShade (Scanline) 初始化 [P] 更新 [U] 宏编辑器 累积计数器 [

2. 創作:94年初,竹中通过<<创作>>(Create)杂志,与荒木进行第一次正式会面. 席间,对于竹中将本书改编电影的念头,荒木只是礼貌的敷衍,并没有放在心上. 直到后来剧组美术人员的不断上门拜访,他才真正感觉到竹中的诚意.

create 词典解释

1. 创造;使发生;创建
    To create something means to cause it to happen or exist.

    e.g. We set business free to create more jobs in Britain...
    e.g. She could create a fight out of anything...

These businesses stimulate the creation of local jobs...
The creation of large parks and forests is of lower priority than some twenty years ago.

2. 创造;发明;设计
    When someone creates a new product or process, they invent it or design it.

    e.g. It is really great for a radio producer to create a show like this...
    e.g. He's creating a whole new language of painting.

create 单语例句

1. create在线翻译

1. Obama has promised voters to rebuild US manufacturing industries and create more jobs and is trying to bring overseas business operations back to the US.

2. The government's frequent campaigns against intellectual property infringement helped create a sound business environment and greatly boosted the development of the country's software industry.

3. McCain has said publicly he had no intention of serving as vice president, at times leaving the door open just enough to create a constant buzz.

4. Yahoo sports dubbed Zhang as China's Yao Ming in combat sports who may create a buzz in the most populated country fuelling the sport's expansion.

5. create的反义词

5. The hot spring town is striving to create an international buzz with medical tourism projects that promote the hot spring culture of Ruzhou.

6. create

6. By contrast, the French government and the French central bank cannot create euros.

7. Puppeteers make the figures from leather or paper and manipulate them by means of rods to create the illusion of moving images.

8. Article 10 The State shall create conditions for employment and increase opportunities for employment by means of the promotion of economic and social development.

9. Certain Japanese media outlets even resorted to the despicable act of making up stories to create the impression that other countries supported Japan's position.

10. Officials said the agreements aim to create a fair economic climate on both sides of the Straits by protecting the rights and interests of investors.

create 英英释义



1. create的反义词

1. make or cause to be or to become

    e.g. make a mess in one's office
           create a furor

    Synonym: make

2. create or manufacture a man-made product

    e.g. We produce more cars than we can sell
           The company has been making toys for two centuries

    Synonym: produce make

3. create的意思

3. create by artistic means

    e.g. create a poem
           Schoenberg created twelve-tone music
           Picasso created Cubism
           Auden made verses

    Synonym: make

4. pursue a creative activity
    be engaged in a creative activity

    e.g. Don't disturb him--he is creating

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. bring into existence

    e.g. The company was created 25 years ago
           He created a new movement in painting

6. invest with a new title, office, or rank

    e.g. Create one a peer