
cremation [krəˈmeɪʃn]  [krəˈmeɪʃn] 


cremation 基本解释



cremation 网络解释

1. 火葬:如果列出世界上各种文化的所有表现,我们就会明显地发现一系列详尽的边缘古怪习俗:如食人之风(cannibalism)、猎头、产翁制(couvade)、夸富宴(potlatch)、库拉圈(kula)、火葬(cremation)、木乃伊(memmification)等.

2. 尸体火化:craniocerebral injury 颅脑损伤 | cremation 尸体火化 | cribriform hymen 筛状处女膜

3. 烧:cremate 火葬 | cremation 烧 | cremationist 火葬论者

4. 焚化:睾提肌反射 cremasteric reflex | 焚化 cremation | 钝锯齿形的 crenated

cremation 单语例句

1. The cemetery now takes care of more than 40 urns, and provides cremation services for 30 cats or dogs on average each month.

2. If bodies are not claimed, they are sent elsewhere for cremation.

3. Longxing funeral parlor in Chongqing's Yubei district has suspended cremation services for two days, as it cannot find diesel supplies to power its incinerators.

4. Ethnic minorities which traditionally practice inhumation are exempt from the government requirement of cremation, and are allotted special land for cemeteries.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. China in 1991 published a regulation on pollution control for the cremation services sector, but did not include dioxin emissions limitations.

6. Nearly 200 of Yang's countrymen braved downpour to mourn the businessman, before his remains were sent for cremation.

7. cremation的近义词

7. His body was sent to a local funeral home for cremation under the escort of police vehicles Monday afternoon.

8. Minutes before the cremation of a relative, one of the families realized that the deceased was not their kin.

9. Families also said that they had been forced to agree to the cremation of their relatives before they could pick up compensation.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. In keeping with a Hindu tradition of swift cremation, the bodies of the dead were cremated on Saturday.

cremation 英英释义


1. the incineration of a dead body