
crenelation [krenɪ'leɪʃən]  [krenɪ'leɪʃən] 

crenelation 基本解释


crenelation 网络解释

1. 开垛口:crenelated 雉堞状的 | crenelation 开垛口 | crenelet 小枪眼

2. 枪眼设备:crenelate /开枪眼/设炮门/ | crenelation /枪眼设备/ | crenelet /小枪眼/

3. 齿状物; 雉堞 (名):crenature 叶缘之钝锯齿状; 钝锯齿间的凹缺 (名) | crenelation 齿状物; 雉堞 (名) | creosol 木焦油醇 (名)

crenelation 英英释义


1. crenelation的翻译

1. the action of constructing ramparts with gaps for firing guns or arrows

    Synonym: crenellation

2. a rampart built around the top of a castle with regular gaps for firing arrows or guns

    Synonym: battlement crenellation