
cried [kraɪd]  [kraɪd] 





cried 基本解释
哭( cry的过去式和过去分词 );喊,叫;叫卖,大声报道,哭着说;鸣;
cried 网络解释

1. 哭泣:cricoid 轮形的 | cried 哭泣 | crier 传令员

2. 哭过就好了:01.哭过就好了 Cried | 02.亲爱的是我 Darling, It Is Me | 03.满满 Full

3. 如果你的兩個好友吵架了:12.如果你的兩個好友吵架了 : cried | 13.跟情人出去最想去哪 : beach | 14.聖誕節要做啥 : go church

cried 单语例句

1. When a father criticized his son for seeing him " abducted " by a stranger so easily, the boy cried and said parents shouldn't cheat their children.

2. cried的近义词

2. Liu remembers whenever he cried with pain from illnesses in childhood, a family helper often cheered him up with a folktale or two.

3. When one cried out across the diner, waitresses rushed over and indeed found a cockroach in a meal of salted pork.

4. Bullets ricocheted off the front of a convenience store across the street as some bystanders cried.


5. People cried and literally shook after touching or seeing Jackson's spindly fingers sticking out of the cracked window of an SUV.

6. When my best friend cried over the dead in her hometown, we all felt her loss.

7. " My whole family is dead, " one man cried in images broadcast on state television.

8. cried的反义词

8. Di Segni cried into the phone as she made sure everyone was safe and invited them to stay at her home in Rome.

9. Chen's wife cried every day after their second daughter's death, and could only fall asleep at night with her daughter's doll in her arms.

10. She said her classmates frequently returned to the dorm drunk and cried at night that they wanted to go home.