

crisscrossed 网络解释

1. 纵横交错:兴味无穷 intriguing | 纵横交错 crisscrossed | 风景如画 scenic

crisscrossed 单语例句

1. The whole tunnel is crisscrossed with complicated and subtle arrangements, with multilevel distribution and complex construction.

2. Crude has crisscrossed the $ 80 level for the last few weeks as investors mull weak US consumer demand and a volatile dollar.

3. South Africa's few hiccups usually involved transport, as hundreds of thousands of fans crisscrossed a country three times the size of Germany.

4. crisscrossed的解释

4. Ferry and boat disasters are common in Bangladesh, which is crisscrossed by about 250 rivers.

5. Ferry accidents are common in this South Asian nation, which is crisscrossed by rivers.

6. crisscrossed的反义词

6. East Zhejiang is a typical water country in South China, crisscrossed with rivers and dotted with lakes.

crisscrossed 英英释义



1. marked with crossing lines

    Synonym: crisscross