
crossfire [ˈkrɒsfaɪə(r)]  [ˈkrɔ:sfaɪə(r)] 

crossfire 基本解释

名词交叉火力; 来自多方面的攻击; 卷入两者的争执中并因此遭殃; (可能偶然影响未直接参与者的)激烈言行

crossfire 网络解释


1. 交*火力:福特的雷鸟(Ford Thunderbird)的销量都有下降. PT敞篷版没有V6或者V8引擎可选. 相比之下,福特野马敞篷版(Ford Mustang convertible)只装备这种引擎. 除了PT敞篷版,克莱斯勒还推出了克莱斯勒交*火力(Crossfire)开顶两门两座版.

2. 串报:crossed fields 交叉电场 | crossfire 串报 | crossing 相交

crossfire 词典解释

1. 交叉火力
    Crossfire is gunfire, for example in a battle, that comes from two or more different directions and passes through the same area.


2. 被卷进争端
    If you are caught in the crossfire, you become involved in an unpleasant situation in which people are arguing with each other, although you do not want to be involved or say which person you agree with.

    e.g. They say they are caught in the crossfire between the education establishment and the government.

crossfire 单语例句

1. Israel's military denies the account, but says the house may have come under attack in crossfire with Hamas militants.

2. One Iraq on a motorcycle was wounded in the crossfire, witnesses said.


3. This year's dead include university professors, an honor student and waiters caught in the crossfire when their customers were shot.

4. crossfire的近义词

4. Hostages are generally released unharmed after a payment is made to the captors, although two died in the crossfire when security forces intervened.

5. Officials said the dead included 10 soldiers, one police officer and several civilians killed in the crossfire of the initial street battles.

6. crossfire

6. The fresh crossfire between Thai and Cambodian troops took place after the border area resumed temporary peace for about a week.

7. Kidnapped foreigners have always been released unharmed, although one died in the crossfire during a rescue attempt by security forces.

8. crossfire

8. But local residents at the scene said the man killed was not involved in the attack and was caught in the crossfire.

9. The crossfire broke out when policemen conducted a drug war operation near the city of Monterrey.

10. Latest reports from Xinhua sources in Lahore said the attackers have run away after a brief crossfire with the police.

crossfire 英英释义



1. crossfire在线翻译

1. fire from two or more points so that the lines of fire cross

2. a lively or heated interchange of ideas and opinions