crown prince

crown prince [kraun prins]  [kraʊn prɪns] 

crown prince 基本解释
crown prince 网络解释

1. 皇太子:图:50年代为<<国王与我>>的皇太子(Crown Prince)角色而召开的试听会,闻讯而来的男孩子们排成了长队图:沙米.威廉姆(Sammy Williams)在<<合唱班>>中正在试听会上的情景百老汇和外百老汇的每一个参加音乐剧演出的演员还必须是演员工会(Actors Equity)的成员,

2. 王储:不谈政事,但此举使她与普罗百姓又靠近一步,在他信倒台后,泰王是不是还有后着?普密蓬的三名女儿,只有诗琳通破格获封Crown Princess,与王储(Crown Prince)属同一等级,有资格问鼎王位,泰国将出现第一位女王,并非天方夜谭.

3. 王储,王太子:网虫netter; Internet geek | 王储,王太子Crown Prince | 往返航程round trip

4. 皇太子,王储:Empress 女皇 | Crown Prince 皇太子,王储 | Prince 亲王,王子

crown prince 单语例句

1. The Saudi crown prince discussed the plan with Bush by telephone on July 28, the newspaper said.

2. A jealous concubine falsely accused him of plotting an uprising in order to make her son the crown prince.

3. Cabinet members approved Sunday that Crown Prince Naruhito will temporarily take the role of the emperor in affairs of state.

4. Princess Mathilde is accompanying her husband Crown Prince Philippe, leading a high profile economic mission to South Africa.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Crown Prince Salman becomes Abdullah's third heir after the deaths of two elder brothers in the past eight months.

6. Analysts do not expect any change in oil policy with a change of monarch or crown prince.

7. Both the Saudi news agency SPA and national television confirmed the news, saying the Crown Prince Sultan died of illness.

8. Now the embassy announces that the crown prince will lead a trade mission to China at the end of November.

9. He said his repeated requests for an interview with Crown Prince and Princess were never granted.

10. crown prince的意思

10. Belgium's Crown Prince Philippe and Princess Mathilde attended the naming ceremony of the fourth cargo ship yesterday.

crown prince 英英释义


1. crown prince

1. a male heir apparent to a throne