
crud [krʌd]  [krʌd] 

crud 基本解释


crud 网络解释

1. 厚野雪:有能力选择不同的战略来应付 (mogul),粉状雪 (powder)及厚野雪(crud). 评语: 过了这一关, 称牛人! 第四阶段: 大拿(Expert) 评语:到此的人寥寥无几,目前我只有幸认识一个(前BC队, 现在业余在grouse mountain, North Vancouver 当教练)能到此境界.

2. 脏家伙:crucify 十字架上钉死 | crucify 钉死 | crud 脏家伙

3. 杂质:crucible 坩埚 | crud 杂质 | crude ore 原矿

4. crud:creations reads updates and deletions; 更新和删除

crud 英英释义


1. an ill-defined bodily ailment

    e.g. he said he had the crud and needed a doctor

2. any substance considered disgustingly foul or unpleasant

    Synonym: filth skank

3. heavy wet snow that is unsuitable for skiing